Research Data Sources
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    Research Data Sources

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    Article summary

    Data Category
    Data Type
    High-level Details
    Data Provider
    Frequency of Updates
    Verified by LightBox?
    Base Map Imagery
    Aerial and Road Imagery
    Base imagery and functionality for Map images.
    Bing Maps

    National 100%
    Base Map Imagery
    Topography Imagery
    Information about the elevation of the surface of the Earth
    United States Geological Survey (USGS)
    As USGS updates their topography base imagery.

    National 100%
    Land Data
    Parcel Boundaries
    The outline of a parcel that is designated by the county.
    County GIS
    Top metros are updated annually, while other metros is updated once every 3 years; Many counties are updated more frequently than annually and smaller metro and rural areas are generally updated every 2-3 years, but there is no hard and fast rule.

    National 100% - where digitized parcel boundaries exist
    Land Data
    Structured zoning, permitted uses, parking requirements, and zoning ordinance links.
    Zoning Jurisdiction /LightBox Fulfillment Team
    Per job (unless the user skips verification). The fulfillment team will upload a zoning shapefile if they are able to in order to fulfill a job. Fulfillment team is responsible for updating/loading zoning layers.
    xOut of the Box - 16,000 jurisdictions
    Flood Zones (DFIRM)
    Areas that are prone to flooding.
    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
    Daily, if there is an update from a county.

    National 100%
    Areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time.
    U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife
    As USDFW updates their shapefiles and data.

    National 100%
    Seismic Risk and Faults
    Areas that are more susceptible to earthquakes.
    United States Geological Survey (USGS)

    National 100%
    Improvement Data
    Building Footprints
    Explore nationwide coverage of building shapes greater than 250 square feet for more than 99% of the US population.

    National 99.0%, Improvements data dependent on county assessor collection.
    Assessment & Taxes
    Tax Roll
    Official record of property subject to property tax within a given jurisdiction.
    County Assessor > Black Knight
    Annually on a rolling basis per county (unless the user skips verification);  Entire US updated approximately annually from County Assessor sources.  LightBox offers verification services as a standard offering to confirm annually updated data with the data currently available on the County Assessor’s website.
    xNational 100% - where digitized parcel boundaries exist
    Assessment & Taxes
    Tax Attributes
    Special attributes that are not standardized by Black Knight. EX: Base taxes, Special Assessment, Tax Rate, etc.
    County Assessor
    Per non-skipped job and where data is verifiable by online resources.
    Assessment & Taxes
    Tax History
    Historical record of property subject to property tax within a given jurisdiction.
    County Assessor > Black Knight
    Annually on a rolling basis per county (unless the user skips verification);  Entire U.S. updated approximately annually from County Assessor sources.

    National 100% - where digitized parcel boundaries exist

    Historical property sales and loan/financing data.
    County Recorder > Black Knight
    Updated weekly in majority of areas, with less populous areas updated every 2-4 weeks. There is a 2-8 week lag from the County Recorder’s office (source).
    Full Market Sale is typically an annual delivery of the assessor tax roll. Transactions which could be a market sale, change of owner name, second mortgage on the property is typically 3 + weeks to be updated in application data.

    National 100% (Some non-disclosure states like TX, etc. may be missing)
     Market Analysis
    DemographicsPopulation, Age, Household Income, Home Values, etc.EASI DemographicsAnnually, around September.
    National, Not including U.S. Virgin Islands.
    NeighborhoodCrimeFBI Index ModelEASI Demographics
    Annually, around September.

    National, Not including U.S. Virgin Islands.
    NeighborhoodSchoolSchool District Name, Boundaries and School LocationsATTOM - Name and Boundaries. NCES  - School LocationsAnnually
    NeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhood Name, Sub-Neighborhood Name and boundariesATTOMAnnually


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