Onboarding Support & Professional Services
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    Onboarding Support & Professional Services

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    Article summary

    LightBox Valuation’s Report Writer provides state of the art, robust & customizable set of templates.

    Based on your goals, additional resources are available:

    • Proof of Concept Mock-ups

    • Style Setup of Templates

    • User Onboarding

    • Word Template Field & Table Insertion

    • Data Migration

    • Specific Customization

    Ordering LightBox Valuation Onboarding Assistance and Professional Services

    Training Assistance

    Please use the calendar below to schedule a call with a Customer Success Manager for training.

    Schedule a call.

    Pro-Services Discovery Call

    Schedule a call.


    Providing examples of templates, tables, or desired formatting will help streamline discussions.

    Property Database

    • Data Migration: Do you have a prior in-house database? We will review the potential to migrate data from your database into the Report Writer database. This includes data cleaning and images.

    • Customization: Do you work with specialized property types? We can assist in reviewing the data attributes, create custom fields when needed, and assist with the setup of custom data entry/viewing pages within your database.
      Product Solutions Engineer

    Customized Print Comp Templates

    • Custom Quick Print Comp Sheet Additions:  The Report Writer web database offers Quick Print Comp Sheets which can be generated on the fly.  Admin users can adjust the fields displayed in the standard options but are not able to modify the format.  Customization is available if you would prefer a different look and feel or additional types added.

      • Style Options: fonts, colors, formatting, and field placement may be designed to match your company’s preference.

      • Sheet Type:  additional sheet type options to cover more property types and display type specific characteristics.

      • Branding:  custom logo, header, or footer may be added.

    Word Report Template

    Template Setup: You have several options regarding Word template setup.

    • Style Setup: If you are going to get started with our standard Word template, we can assist in setting fonts/headings to match an existing Word report and link in Excel tables matching your existing, or desired style.
      Product Solutions Engineer

    • Word Overlay:  Standard fields and tables from the Valuation_Model Excel will be inserted into your provided Word file to create a new Word template.
      Product Solutions Engineer

    • Custom Word Template Setup:  If you are looking for a Word template set up exactly like your current report outputs, we can accommodate a custom template setup.  This includes style setup, standard field & table insertion, as well as working with you on identifying new items to set up in Excel that can be linked in the word report.

    Excel Template

    Template Setup: Have custom excel worksheets? Or want your display tables to look exactly as they do today? We can help with professional template customization.

    • Style Setup: Get started with our standard Excel template. We can assist you in applying your brand’s look and feel. If you have a current table example within Excel or Word, or brand colors & fonts, we can set the display table styles to match.

      Product Solutions Engineer

    • Custom Table Creation: If you wish to maintain some tables exactly as they currently exist within your excel or word template, we can assist you with table creation within the Valuation_Model template & naming for linking into Word.


    Onboarding Assistance Offerings


    How This Helps You

    What We Need From You

    Data Map for Upload Excel

    Fast track your comp database by having our Upload Excel desktop utility set up with saved data field maps; allowing your users to easily upload comps from other sources.

    Example Excel file of comp data you would be looking to upload (i.e. export from MLS).

    Contacts Upload

    Fast tracks you contact database with an upload of your existing data.

    Completion of an Excel template with your contacts data.

    Appraiser Contact/License Information Setup

    One less thing for you to enter in the system to get started.

    Completion of a template providing Appraiser, Company, & License details.

    Office File Number Auto-Generation

    Allows job numbers within Report Writer database Job Manager to be automated rather than needing to be entered in. You would no longer need to remember what number to use for your next job.

    Autogenerated Job number will include year of job creation along with database JobID. Format can be either YYYY-jobid or YY-jobid.

    Office Pick List

    If you have multiple office locations, this can be a nice feature to show with office team members are out of.

    List of office names, office code (if have one), and identification of office each user is at. Note: users will also be able to update their office directly within the database.

    Excel Display Table Style Application (Fonts/Colors)

    Expert assistance to implement your branding & styles to fast-track template setup.

    Example table for font & colors to recreate. If you have a style guide of colors & fonts this can be used to apply to tables & charts as well.

    Word Template Style Application

    Expert assistance to implement your branding & styles within Word’s Styles to fast-track template setup.

    Example Word report for styles to be based on. If you have a style guide of colors & fonts this can be used as a reference.

    Insertion of Variables into Existing Word Report (Standard RW Fields & Tables)

    Expert assistance in implementing links within Word to create a Valuation template.

    Current Word file report to be turned into template.

    Pro-Services (Fee Based) Assistance Offerings



    Standard Services

    Navigation functionality added to custom worksheets/tables (up to 15 buttons).


    Toggle (Show/Hide) functionality added to custom worksheets/tables (up to 10 areas).


    Merging custom worksheets into Valuation_Model Excel and application of display table names for merging into Word. Custom worksheets/tables are merged in with as-is functionality.

    $500 per 5 worksheets

    Custom table set-up with formulas to display comparable data from a standard Report Writer Excel Analysis Grid.

    $300 per table

    Format standard Report Writer Land, Sales, or Lease Analysis Grid to match customer provided example. Data headings will be updated to match the property database field names.

    $300 per grid

    Format standard N1 Land, Sales, or Lease Comp Sheets to match customer provided example. Data headings will be updated to match the property database field names.

    $500 per set of 10 comp sheets

    Advanced Services

    Worksheet Data Source selection set-up (if custom worksheet/table needs ability for user to select between two copies of the same worksheet, i.e. if copy of Rent Roll worksheet is made and need to direct a table as to which Rent Roll to reference).

    $250 per table

    Word template macro set-up to allow border and preferred map size to be applied after a merge into Word.


    Word template set-up: inserting fields from Excel template into Word example report to create template.

    $1,000 per Word template

    Customized Print Comp Templates: formatting and set up of custom quick print comp sheet PDFs able to be generated within the web database.

    $1,250 per Print Comp Sheet

    Update Customized Print Comp Templates: modification to existing customized Print Comp Templates (field / placement updates).

    $475 per Print Comp Sheet


    DataComp Migration, may include: Improved Sales Module, Multi-Family Module, Land Sales Module, Lodging & Hospitality Module, Lease Improved Module, Lease Multi-Family Module.

    $500 per DataComp Module

    Other database type would require review of sample data set & details around # of records.

    Job Import would require review of sample data set & details around # of records.

    Data Exports

    Report Writer Database export into a .bak file with property images included

    • Tier 1: Databases with up to 14,999 property records

    • Tier 2: Databases with 15,000 – 39,999 property records

    • Tier 3: Databases with 40,000+ property records

    Tier 1: $465 / export

    Tier 2: $795 / export

    Tier 3: $1,095 / export

    Property Images database export

    $365 per export

    Property Attachment database export

    $365 per export

    Word Autotext saved entries database export

    $365 per export

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