Multi-Family Inventory
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    Multi-Family Inventory

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    Article summary

    Information from the Improvements page in Web automatically populates the Multifamily Inventory table if you import your subject; each space's rent per month information is represented to the right of the table to help orient you.

    Otherwise, you may manually enter data, or create drop-down entries via the List Manager for the Unit Description. There are spaces for up to 15 total unique space types by clicking the Toggle Display button

    It is encouraged that unit types entered into the Unit Description match those entered into the Rent Roll table. These entries should be consistent for an accurate unit count, occupancy, and other calculations to take place.

    Hide this table by clicking the Show/Hide link in the Section header. Hiding the Section will prevent the table from being prepped for insertion in the Word report. Hiding unnecessry fields and tables optimized the prep process.

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