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Insights Modules Permissions
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LightBox Valuation allows a company to choose which Insights modules are made available for each user. By default, most users will only have access to one of the three Insights modules - Time of Bid. Additionally, they will not have the ability to download their data.
The Research Center and Performance Monitor modules contain company-wide financial and operating performance information that may not be appropriate for every user within the company to access. The Time of Bid module contains information generally deemed less sensitive; it is likely appropriate for anyone who is given bidding and/or customer-interaction responsibilities. Users may still view a company’s individual bid records in the Time of Bid module’s “My Bidding History” table, but it does not include individual bidder names.
For more information about each module, please refer to their respective documentation pages.
Additional information about the specific fields included in each module can be found in Insights Modules - Field Definitions.
To request a permissions change for one or more users, please contact LightBox Valuation Support via email at valuationsupport@lightboxre.com . Please copy your manager on the email.