FAQ: What do LightBox Verification Services Include?
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    FAQ: What do LightBox Verification Services Include?

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    If certain data points cannot be verified by online sources, the fulfillment team will reach out via e-mail, phone call, etc. If after two business days, the fulfillment team does not receive a response, they will close out the request for verification with a note stating why/what was unable to be verified.

    Assessment and Taxes

    • All editable fields on the Assessment project page are part of our verification services, so long as the data fields can be verified by online sources.
      • If Total Assessed Value and Total Taxes are unavailable, our fulfillment team will attempt to confirm the values via e-mail or phone call.
      • Fields that are often unavailable: Land & Improvement Values, Tax Rate Code, Tax Rate, Base Tax & Special Assessments.
    • Assessment and Tax Years may differ. The fulfillment team always provides the most current.
    • The fulfillment team does not verify historical assessment and tax information.
    • If a tax bill and/or assessor’s record is available online, the fulfillment team will create a PDF and attach it to the project.
    • There are times when data from our third-party data provider, BlackKnight, cannot be verified. When this occurs, a note is provided in the fulfillment notes about what data was not verified.
    • When our Tax Map vendor, First American, cannot provide a Tax Map, the fulfillment team will attempt to retrieve the Tax Map if it is available online.
    • If parcel numbers within the Research application are out of date with the County’s GIS, the fulfillment team will update the Assessment module with the correct Parcel(s).
    • If State Equalized value is available, the fulfillment team will add it in the fulfillment notes.


    • Only current zoning data that is verifiable will be provided, we do not provide historical zoning data
    • All editable fields on the Zoning project page are part of our verification services, so long as the data fields can be verified by online sources.
      • If Zoning Code and Regulation information are unavailable, our fulfillment team will attempt to confirm the data via e-mail or phone call.
      • If the property falls into a PUD, the fulfillment team will attempt to acquire the information. After two business days, if the fulfillment team does not receive a response, they will close out the request for verification with a note stating why/what was unable to be verified.
    • If data is unable to be verified, the fulfillment team will provide a link to the jurisdiction page to provide the requestor with as much information as possible.
    • 10 standardized, summarized permitted uses will be included based on the property type of the subject.  Conditional uses are not be included. If no uses permitted by right, a fulfillment note stating that will be included. A link to the permitted uses document is included.
    • The fulfillment team will provide the FLU map for projects originating in Florida.

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