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    Article summary

    The Demographics display table allows importing demographics data from the Valuation - Research application.

    This import function will not support other Demographics providers, it is designed to support the .csv output from the Research Application.

    1. Verify that the County and CBSA name are filled out in the File Info worksheet.

    2. Navigate to the Demographics table in the Valuation Model.

    3. Extract the All Files attachment from the Research Project download associated with the subject.

    4. Click the Import Demographics from .csv button and browse to the saved Demographics.csv file and click the Open button.

    The import function will not support a renamed file, it is designed to import a .csv file with the name "demographics".

    5. Select the analysis area that most closely resembles the subject's neighborhood.

    6. Select the trade areas you would like to display. For legible results, we suggest no more than 5 trade areas. Click the Toggle Display button.

    Want to create a Market Analysis and a Neighborhood Analysis? Copy the Market Area worksheet and designate the copy as the market analysis. Hide the appropriate trade areas and prep the Excel. Then utilize Paste Text and Map Fields and Tables

    7. If a demographics update has occurred, update the current and projected year.

    8. The demographics data will automatically displayed in tables and charts and automated analysis sentences will formulate.

    9. A summary table with derived key data points will be populated based on the chosen analysis area. Employment and Overall Outlook are dropdown options based on the appraiser's analyis.

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