Contacts Manager
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    Contacts Manager

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    Article summary

    The Companies and Contacts module assists in organizing the parent/child relationship between a Company and multiple contacts. Click the Companies/Contacts sub-menu, under the Contacts tab, to manage Companies and Contacts. 

    The Contacts Manager page contains a table with several buttons displayed above it.

    A.Search: Type in search text. As you type, the table contents will be filtered to display content that matches the search phrase. All table fields, as well as the Contacts listed under each Company, are searchable.

    B.+Add Company/+Add Contact: The button displayed is dependent on the Company View/Contact View toggle. When Company View is toggled, +Add Company is displayed. When Contact View is toggled, +Add Contact is displayed.

    Click +Add Company/+Add Contact to open a new modal. Enter Company or Contact details and then click Save to create the Company or Contact.

    C.Company View: Toggle the Company View on/off. When in Company View, all Companies are listed in the table. In this view, click the arrow to the left of the Edit button to expose the Contacts listed for that Company.
    When in Contacts View, all individual Contacts are listed alphabetically.
    D.Save Settings: Click to save all settings made to the table, such as sorting, filtering, and the column-display selections.
    E.Upload Contacts
    • Click the Upload Contacts button.
    • Use the Excel template provided and fill in the necessary data. Company Name and Last Name are required fields for each row in the Excel.
    • Drag and drop or browse to the Excel file.
    • The bulk uploader will check for duplicates on Company, First and Last Name. If there is an update to the address, it will update the existing record.

    Note: If you cannot see the Upload Contacts button, have the main contact for your account request Data Admin access for the appropriate team member(s).

    F.Export to Excel/Export All Fields: Click Export to Excel to download the contents of the entire table (including rows on subsequent pages). This does NOT include columns/fields that have not be selected for display in the table.

    Click the down arrow to the right of Export to Excel, then click Export all fields to export ALL table data, including data in columns/fields that have not been selected for display in the table.

    G.Column Chooser/Reset Grid: Click Column Chooser to open

    a menu listing all available columns.

    Click the checkbox next to a column to add it to the table view. Uncheck to remove a column.

    Type all or part of a column name in the Search bar at the top of the menu to filter the list of columns.

    Click Done to save the Column Chooser settings and apply them to the table.

    Reset Grid: Click the down arrow on the right side of the Column Chooser button, then click Reset Grid to remove any filters or sorting, and reset the column selections to the defaults.

    The table data can be filtered, sorted, and opened for review and editing.  

    A.Click the arrow to the left of the Edit button when Company View is toggled to expose the list of Contacts associated with that Company.
    B.Click the Edit button to open the Company or Contact(s) for editing. When Company View is toggled the Edit button will open the Company; when Contact View is toggled it will open the Contact(s).
    C.Click the down arrow to the right of the Edit button to expose a menu containing three buttons: 
    • View Jobs: Click to open the Jobs Manager page in a new browser tab.
    • Add New Job: Click to open the Job Details modal, which allows you to create a new Job associated with that Company.
    • Delete: When Company View is toggled the Delete button will Delete the Company and all associated Contacts; when Contact View is toggled it will delete the Contact. Both require confirmation.

    For more information about viewing and adding Jobs, refer to the Job Manager documentation.

    D.Columns can be sorted, filtered, and moved.

    • Click a column header once to sort the table by that column in ascending order. 
    • Click a second time to sort in descending order.
    • Click a third time to remove the sorting. 

    The table can be sorted by multiple columns simultaneously. Apply sorting to the first column, then click on additional columns to provide secondary, tertiary (etc.) sorting. Each subsequent sorting applied will be lower in priority and be denoted with a higher number. Example: In the example below, City is the highest sort priority, followed by State, then Phone.

    In the example above, the primary sort is applied to City, the secondary State, etc. City, State, Phone are all sorted in ascending order, while Email is sorted in descending order. 

    Filtering: Click the filter icon in column header to expose a menu. Select an operator from the dropdown menu. Options include: 
    • Contains
    • Starts with
    • Equal to
    • Not equal to
    In the example above, the column will be filtered by phrases that contain San Diego

    Moving: Click and drag and column header to move that column to a different position in the table. Note: The Commands column cannot be moved from its position.

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    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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