Compile Error in Hidden Module
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    Compile Error in Hidden Module

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    On opening a Report Writer Excel file an error is returned, “compile error in hidden module”; sometimes referring to module mdlSpellCurrency or ThisWorkbook, or a particular worksheet name.

    Several errors containing "Compile error in hidden module," "N1Engine.xla cannot be found," or "Method 'OnAction' of obect '_CommandBarbutton' failed" are caused by add-ins being disabled.


    The user should check their Excel add-ins to ensure they are in place and active. See this article: FAQ: Manually enable Excel add-ins

    It may be worth ensuring the three N1 add-ins are present in C:\Program Files (x86)\Narrative1 and that the updater can run without errors. If not, there may be a conflict with antivirus software on the machine.

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