About LightBox Vision
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    About LightBox Vision

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    Article summary

    LightBox Vision™. All rights reserved.

    • LightBox Vision is a cloud-based mapping application that provides real estate, government, and many other industries with comprehensive map-based property research, analysis, management and presentation capabilities.
    • LightBox Vision visualizes SmartParcels, our nationwide parcel database that ties 300+ property and tax attributes to property boundaries, as well as our other comprehensive map-ready content – points of interest, demographics, natural hazards, school zone rankings and more.
    • LightBox Vision is ready to use out of the box, but what makes it different is that its extensible. You can easily add your own data sets and configure the application to meet your unique organizational needs.
    • Bing™ Maps is a trademark of Microsoft® Corporation in the United States and/or other countries and is the source of LightBox Vision aerial imagery.

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