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    VEC App

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    Article summary

    VEC App Overview

    The VEC App (Vapor Encroachment Concern) provides a set of tools for further refining radius map report data to determine if there is a risk of contamination of the target property by vapor encroachment. Today, over of 90% of environmental professionals consider a screen for vapor issues part of the Phase I ESA. Utilizing ASTM E2600-15 is the preferred methodology for conducting this screen, and EDR’s VEC App is the industry’s only Vapor Encroachment Assessment Tool.

    The power of the VEC App is in its built-in analytical tools. It also allows for simple documentation of your ASTM E2600-15 compliance by creating a customized report.

    Accessing the VEC App

    Click on the Tools dropdown menu at the top of the map section, and then click VEC APP.


    The VEC App only filters the records in the Map Findings section.

    The VEC App displays all the records identified according to ASTM E1527 search distances of your initial search.

    If there are no sites, your VEC screen is complete and you can output your report.

    Navigating the VEC App

    Opening the VEC App will bring up a tool box, AOC (Area of Concern) modal, and the Gradient Adjustment Dial.

    A. VEC App Tools

    • Define AOC: Opens the “Define AOC” window. (Section B below)

    • Output Report: Generates a report of the VEC App finding that can be printed or saved, such as a .pdf.

    • VEC Distances: Shows a list and definitions of the distances the VEC App uses when conducting its search.

    • Close VEC App: Closes the VEC App menus. Note: The menus will close, however the results of the VEC App search will remain on the map, as well as in the Map Findings section.

    • Show Help: Opens the VEC App documentation.

    B. Define Area of Concern (AOC)

    There are two methods for setting the values that determine groundwater flow direction and gradient areas: the Define Area of Concern (AOC) modal and the Gradient Adjustment Dial.

    The Define Area of Concern (AOC) modal can be used to manually input values and/or change the units of measurement.

    C. Gradient Adjustment Dial

    The second method for setting the values that determine groundwater flow direction and gradient is Gradient Adjustment Dial. This tool can be used to visually set the direction of the up/down and cross gradients of the groundwater flow. Adjusting the dial automatically changes the corresponding values in the Define Area of Concern (AOC) modal.


    Opening the topographic map layer to see topo lines can provide additional accuracy when setting the groundwater gradient direction.

    D. Apply Distances Button

    When all parameters are set, using the Gradient Adjustment Dial and/or the Define Area of Concern (AOC) modal, click Apply Distances to apply the defined filters.


    Expand the sections below to learn more.

    Step One: Define your AOC

    The VEC App helps you define your Area of Concern (AOC), according to E2600, easily and efficiently.

    • Evaluate groundwater flow direction by adjusting the direction the blue arrow depicting the estimated direction of groundwater flow.

      • The initial, default direction is based on surface topography.

      • You can change the direction by dragging the blue arrow or by editing the numeric value (based on USGS Topographic Map information, EDR AQUIFLOW data, or local knowledge).

    • Review distances shown in the dialogue box for the up-gradient, cross-gradient and down-gradient quadrants

    • Adjust those distances, if necessary, based on:

      • Local knowledge of subsurface characteristics, such as the presence of relatively impermeable soils (e.g., clay, silty-clay) or the presence of a perched water table.

      • Knowledge of surface natural features, such as major water tributaries that can intercept migrating vapors or wetlands that can act as a barrier to vapor migration

      • Knowledge of utility corridors under major roadways that can intercept migrating vapors and lead them away from the TP, or knowledge about nearby buildings with characteristics that can impede vapor migration (such as continuously well-ventilated, multi-story underground parking).

    Step Two: Apply Distances

    Once the desired distances have been defined using the Define Area of Concern (AOC) modal and/or the Gradient Adjustment Dial, click Apply Distances in the Define Area of Concern (AOC) modal.

    Step Three: Review VEC App Results

    The VEC App search results will generate new items both on the map and in the Map Findings sections.

    • The Area of Concern will be displayed on the map as a red shaded area

    • The Quadrants will be displayed on the map and labeled Up Gradient, Cross Gradient and Down Gradient

    • Sites are marked “Include in Report” based on the following criteria

      • The is inside the AOC and inside the E2600 search distances

      • The E2600 search distances may be viewed by clicking VEC Distances in the Tools menu in the top right.

    • Sites are marked “Not Included in Report” based on the following criteria

      • The site is outside the Area of Concern

      • The site is outside their E2600 search distance

      • Note that sites outside the E2600 search distances but inside the AOC will be marked “Not Included in Report.”

    Map Tool Elements

    A. Pink Areas: Indicates the area in which ASTM standards dictates potential vapor-intrusion hazards must be identified. Hence why the Up Gradient is much larger than the Down and Cross Gradients.

    B. Red Properties: Listings that fall within the search area and the VEC App standard.

    C. Gray Properties: These listings either fall outside the area of concern or are not in a database that is searched as part of the VEC App standard.

    Note: If you are unhappy with the distances applied earlier, click Define AOC to redo the parameters.

    • Hover over red and gray icons with the mouse cursor to show the properties associated with the icon.

    • Clicking on a property in the pop-up menu will select it in the Map Findings table and open additional VEC App options on the map.
      See Map Findings Elements below.

    Map Findings Elements

    A. Click the arrow in the left-most column header to display a filter menu. By default, all highlighted and unhighlighted records are displayed in the table. Click on a color to hide records with that color of highlighting. Example: Unchecking the yellow highlighting color would filter out three records in the image below.

    B. Some columns, such as VEC, RPT, Address, and Databases can be filtered. Click on the column header to display a menu with the filter commands.

    Click the blue checkbox next to an item to uncheck the box and filter those items OUT of the table. For example, unchecking the “Sugar Run Rd” entry in the Address column filter will hide all records (two, in the example above) with that street address.

    C. Click the Export button to export the table data as an .xlsx file.

    D. Click Columns to expose the column-selector menu. Check/uncheck boxes to determine which columns appear in the table. Note: When exporting as an .xlsx file only the columns that appear in the table will be included in the export.

    E. Click the arrow next to a record to display highlighting options. Click a color to highlight the row that color. Click the white circle to remove the highlighting.

    F. Click on a record’s row to open the Details panel for that record.

    The data in the Map Findings table cannot be modified, with the exception of the VEC and RPT columns, which can be defined by the user. These two columns allow the user to exclude records from the final report.

    Step Four: Identify the VEC Status

    The VEC App allows you to set VEC status for any record in the list. Options are:

    • VEC Exists

    • VEC Does Not Exist

    • Undetermined

    To identify VEC status:(NEED SCREENSHOT)

    • Select the appropriate option in either the slide out detail tab or the VEC column in the list.

    • Your selection may be changed at any time.

    Generally speaking, the VEC status is used only for records you decide to include in the report or the Appendix.

    Step Five: Output Report

    When finished, you can export a final report using the Output Report button.

    • The report will include the records that you have marked as “Include in Report” and “Include in Appendix”.

    • The report will also include any textual information you have entered about those records.

    • You may edit your work and output this report as many times as you wish for 90 days.

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