SRF File Uploader
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    SRF File Uploader

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    Article summary

    • Video Link: Team Training: New SRF File Uploader

      • It works sometimes, but it works better than the old system.

      • It will handle KML, KMZ and shapefiles.

    • Limitations that will still exist:

      • Cannot draw an area that is too large.

      • Cannot draw a line (our system can only handle points and polygons).

    How to Upload a File

    Once you are on the SRF:

    1. Click the Upload Button under the Draw Property Boundary Menu.

    2. An Upload File Window will pop up.

    1. Drag and drop the KML, KMZ or Shape Files or click the browse to select your file hyperlink.

    2. If the file meets all the system criteria, it will should upload the polygon successfully.

      1. The Upload File menu will display the name of the file with a check mark.

      2. The Polygon Layer will be automatically displayed on top of the Google map.


    Sometimes there will be extra fields within the Upload File Window.  It depends on how the file was constructed.  For example, the window above only shows Area and Name.

    System Criteria

    • The file should include one polygon no greater than 1 sq mile or 1.5 linear miles

    • KML, KMZ or Shape Files

    • If Shape Files, please include .shp, .shx, .prj. and .dbf files in a zipped format

    • There is a rarely used file type called 7-zip.  This is not supported.

      • 7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver, a utility used to place groups of files within compressed containers known as "archives".

      • It appears as an extension when you create the zip file.

    Issues uploading the file

    The following can be checked:

    • Check the file to see if there are multiple polygons.

    • Check the file to see if the shape is an actual polygon.

      • Click on the shape and see if the window that pops up is a Polygon or Path. If Path, it is possible client assumed since it was in the shape of a polygon that was a proper polygon file.

    • Check to see if the Shape Files contain the correct files.

    • Where is the location of the star?

      • If it is inside the polygon, the shape is green.

      • If it is outside the polygon, the shape is red.

        • If outside, recommend moving star inside the polygon.

    Test Scenario #1

    • “Why is my file name 0?”

      • The name of the file that shows up is the name of the file.  If it’s labelled as 0 then it will display as 0

    Test Scenario $2

    • The top file was too large - if it is too large, a radius map cannot be ordered.

      • Customer needs to call customer care and upsell to an area/corridor study report.

    • The bottom file had the star outside the polygon.

    Test Scenario #3

    • There is a chance this passes the up front test on the SRF but due to the linear shapes the radius map may fail down the road.

    Test Scenario #4

    • If the zoom level is too far out, the polygon may appear as a line.

    • Zooming in will show that it is an actual polygon with the star located inside.

    Test Scenario #5

    • We are unable to include both polygons.  The customer has to choose one or the other and attempt to manually redraw on our SRF, or they can upload another file with only one polygon.

    • The system gives the ability to select one and continue on with the order. However, we can recommend placing two separate orders to be placed, one for each of the polygons.  The next time they go in, the system will recognize that the initial order was placed and only displays the polygon that is still needed.

    Test Scenario #6

    • The Upload File Window displays several lines.  

      • The file displays the error “This shape is a line and not supported for upload.”

    How to Edit the Uploaded Polygon

    1. In the Draw Property Boundary Window, Click Edit.

    1. The map will now contain the various points around the polygon that can be selected and moved if necessary.

    1. Once the customer is satisfied with the polygon, they can click the Continue Button to proceed with ordering.

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