Drawing Tools
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    Drawing Tools

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    Article summary

    Draw Tools enable customers to create custom Site Maps and Figure 1 drawings for inclusion in their Phase I reports.  To access Draw Tools, click the “Tools” menu above the map.

    Print Area

    The boundary of the “print area” is shown by an orange box.  To change the “print area,” click and drag the box.


    To add text, click the “A” button, in the Shapes and Text section. Then, click on the map to place your text box.   The Text Editing Ribbon appears when you enter or select text, enabling you to format the text.  To delete text, click the text box you want removed and then click “X” in the formatting section.  To delete all text, click the “X” in the Shapes and Text section.


    To add objects to the map, select a shape in the Shapes and Text section. Then, click on the map to place your shape.  Shapes include: point, polygon, square, circle, and arrow.  The Object Editing Ribbon appears when place a shape on the map.  To delete a shape, click the shape you want removed and then click “X” in the formatting section.

    Add a Drawing

    To add a drawing:

    1. Click “Add Drawing” in the Drawing section on the right

    2. Select one background map

    3. Click “OK”

    4. Text and shapes are automatically copied from the prior map to the new map

    To upload your own maps:

    1. Click the “Upload Images” button

    2. Select your map to upload

    3. Uploaded maps appears in “My Uploads”

    4. Select your map as the background when you “Add Drawing”


    To print/export the drawings, click “Print Drawings.”

    Select the drawings you would like to print/export

    Drawing order may be changed by dragging a drawing

    Choose the file type (JPG or PDF)

    Select whether you want output to a pre-formatted template (PDF) or image only (JPG or PDF)

    Select how to organize the output:

    One Merged File

    Separate Individual Files

    One File / Map Type  (e.g Aerials, Street…)

    Select the location: Download, email or PARCEL appendix

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