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SmartFabric Building Data
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In addition to having the building structure data available on LightBox Vision layers or within our separate SmartFabric subscription, there is now the capability to view the LightBox building specifications within the main parcel panel on LightBox Vision. This dataset was formerly called Building Footprint and will show information such as building area, related addresses, building height, and elevation. The combination of the LightBox building data with the regular assessor-provided fields will allow customers to have a more comprehensive idea of what resides within the parcels of their market area.
Identifying Building Data on LightBox Vision
The SmartFabric Building data is available to all accounts and can be viewed upon the selection of a parcel. It will have its own separate card - named Structures - that will contain a Building ID. Each of these can be selected to open a new panel to view further information.
To learn more about how this SmartFabric data is acquired, click here. To view tips on analyzing this data in LightBox Vision, see the below screenshots.
Conducting a search by the SmartFabric fields (building height, building area, elevation, business and class) is not supported