Version ID 20250115
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    Version ID 20250115

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    Article summary

    Data Vintage

    • This release of zoning data is an add-on of SmartFabric version 20250115.

    • Zoning data tape cut date – December 20, 2024.


    This release provides zoning information for 82 million unique parcels. (That is 54% of the total parcel number in US!)

    At jurisdiction level, this release provides zoning information for 11,875 jurisdictions. 479 jurisdictions are added to our coverage since last quarter. The breakdown based on coverage type is:

    • Yes: LightBox has zoning data for this jurisdiction – 6,516 jurisdictions

    • Partial: LightBox has zoning data for part of this jurisdiction. - 4,508 jurisdictions

    • Unzoned: LightBox confirmed that this jurisdiction has no zoning governance – 851 jurisdictions

    The breakdown based on jurisdiction type is:

    • County – 1757 (403 Unzoned)

    • County Subdivision - 3183 (240 Unzoned)

    • City – 6935 (208 Unzoned)

    The coverage expansion for this release focuses on the states of NE, MI and IN.


    Please refer to ZoningCoverageMap_20250115.pdf for detailed zoning coverage.


    1. We changed the packaging for zoning data to have all layers in one file geodatabase since 20240715 version release.

      Previous packaging:

      • Parcel level zoning is packaged as state level CSV file.

      • Zoning boundary is packaged as state level FGDB file.

      • Zoning coverage map is packaged as a national level FGDB file.

      Packaging from 20240715 version and forward:

      • One file geodatabase for each state.

      • The file geodatabase will contain layers as described below.

        • Zoning

        • ZoningBoundary

        • ZoningCoverage

    2. We expanded zoning data coverage for 479 jurisdictions.

    3. Zoning maps that come from jurisdictions often overlap with each other. We piece these zoning maps together by manually identifying the best source to use for an area. While this process created lots of sliver type of geometries during cropping. We are made aware that these slivers caused failures when one loads data into ArcGIS. In this release, we implemented a new logic to remove most of the slivers.

    4. We have started large scale zoning ordinance data update for all jurisdictions with the initial focus on over 100k jurisdictions.

    Coverage Map

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