SmartFabric Relationship Tables
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    SmartFabric Relationship Tables

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    Article summary


    This article outlines the SmartFabric Relationship tables and how the are used. These tables will be delivered along with SmartFabric packages Core and Professional.


    These tables are delivered within the same file geodatabase (FGDB) that the base layers are delivered in. They are represented as tables and contain no field level indexing out of the box. 

    Best Practice
    Once your data has been brought over to its final resting place, SQL, PSQL, FGDB etc. it is considered best practice to add field level indexes to both of the LightBox ID's within these tables. This will allow for more performant joins and relationships.

    If you plan to cut the data out of your database by county or state you should add an index on the FIPS_CODE field for efficient query performance.


    Each table will contain LightBox ID's to be used to link one dataset with the other. Each record also contains a FIPS Code field to represent the county in which the data resides.

    Table NameDescription
    AddressAssessmentRelationJoins Addresses to Assessments  (many to one) 
    AddressParcelRelationJoins Addresses to Parcels (many to one)
    AddressBuildingRelationJoins Addresses to Buildings (many to one)
    BuildingAssessmentRelation  Joins Buildings to Assessments (many to one)
    BuildingParcelRelationJoins Buildings to Parcels (many to many)
    ParcelAssessmentRelationJoins Parcels to Assessment (one to many)


    These tables are used to create relationships between each dataset for data discovery cross layer query or during your data processing to massage the data into your data model. 



    Description: This table will all you to create a relationship/join with the address table to the assessment table. 

    Allows you to

    • From an assessment record return all addresses that are associated with that assessment record.
    • From an address record return the assessment record associated with that address.
    • From an address record return all addresses that share the same assessment record.

    Relationship: The relationship is Many address records to One assessment record 

    Field Name Data TypeLengthDescription
    ADDRESS_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for address that is unique and persistent.
    ASSESSMENT_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for assessor record that is unique and persistent.
    FIPS_CODEString5The 5-digit FIPS Code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county.


    Description: This table will all you to create a relationship/join with the address table to the parcel table. 

    Allows you to

    • From an parcel record return all addresses that are associated with that parcel record.
    • From an address record return the parcel record associated with that address.
    • From an address record return all addresses that share the same parcel record.

    Relationship: The relationship is Many address records to One parcel record.

    Field Name Data TypeLengthDescription
    ADDRESS_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for address that is unique and persistent.
    PARCEL_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for parcel record that is unique and persistent.
    FIPS_CODEString5The 5-digit FIPS Code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county.


    Description: This table will all you to create a relationship/join with the address table to the building table. 

    Allows you to

    • From an building record return all addresses that are associated with that building record.
    • From an address record return the building record associated with that address.
    • From an address record return all addresses that share the same building record.

    Relationship: The relationship is Many address records to One building record.

    Field Name Data TypeLengthDescription
    ADDRESS_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for address that is unique and persistent.
    BUILDING_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for building record that is unique and persistent.
    FIPS_CODEString5The 5-digit FIPS Code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county.


    Description: This table will all you to create a relationship/join with the building table to the parcel table. 

    Allows you to

    • From a building record return all assessments that are associated with that parcel record.
    • From a building record return the assessments records associated with that building.
    • From an assessment record return all buildings that share the same assessment record.

    Relationship: The relationship is Many building records to Many assessment records.

    Field Name Data TypeLengthDescription
    BUILDING_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for building that is unique and persistent.
    ASSESSMENT_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for assessor record that is unique and persistent.
    FIPS_CODEString5The 5-digit FIPS Code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county.


    Description: This table will all you to create a relationship/join with the building table to the parcel table. 

    Allows you to

    • From an building record return all parcels that are associated with that building record.
    • From an parcel record return all building records associated with that parcel.
    • From an building record return all buildings that share the same parcel record.

    Relationship: The relationship is Many building records Many parcel records.

    Field Name Data TypeLengthDescription
    ADDRESS_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for address that is unique and persistent.
    PARCEL_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for assessor record that is unique and persistent.
    OVERLAP_AREAIntegerintBuilding and parcel intersection area.
    BUILDING_OVERLAP_RATIODoublefloatBuilding and parcel intersection area divided by building area.
    PARCEL_OVERLAP_RATIODoublefloatBuilding and parcel intersection area divided by parcel area,
    FIPS_CODEString5The 5-digit FIPS Code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county.

    Please see: Working with the Building to Parcel Relationships for more information on the relationships


    Description: This table will all you to create a relationship/join with the Address table to the Parcel table. 

    Allows you to

    • From a parcel record return the associated assessment records that are associated with that parcel record.
    • From an assessment record return the parcel record associated with that assessment.

    Relationship: The relationship is One parcel record to Many assessment records.

    Field Name Data TypeLengthDescription
    ASSESSMENT_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for address that is unique and persistent.
    PARCEL_LIDString50A proprietary LightBox ID for assessor record that is unique and persistent.
    FIPS_CODEString5The 5-digit FIPS Code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county.

    Please read: Parcel vs Assessment Relationship 

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