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Premium Package
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SmartFabricTM Premium is a parcel dataset focused on the parcel boundary and centroids attribution of the land including land use ownership data and tax & deed information
SmartFabric Premium provides insights into into:
Property Boundary and Property centroid
Situs address
Current owner name and owner address
Assessment attribution
Land Use
Deed information
Primary Structure data
SmartFabric Premium Data Package made up of 2 components:
ParcelsWithAssessments is a polygon layer. The dataset is modeled as stacked parcels, so condos are represented as a set of parcels stacked on top of each other.
OrphanAssessments is a point layer. This layer contains the situs address, owner info and land use represented as a point for any assessments we were unable to match to a parcel. Please see these links for additional information.
Delivery Format
The default delivery option is provided in FGDB (File Geodatabase) format, which includes 4 layers and 6 relationship tables.
FGDBs are organized by county or state; however, a national-level FGDB option is not currently available.
Optional Delivery Format 1: CSV files
CSV files are compressed into ZIP archives and are available by county or state.
Optional Delivery Format 2: Parquet files
Parquet files are offered at both the national and state levels.
All spatial data is stored in WGS 1984 (EPSG: 4362).
Data Dictionary Downloads
SmartFabric Premium Package Tables
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
PARCEL_LID | String | 50 | A proprietary LightBox identifier for parcel that is unique and persistent. |
ASSESSMENT_LID | String | 50 | A proprietary LightBox identifier for assessment record that is unique and persistent. |
FIPS_CODE | String | 5 | Federal Information Processing Code for the State + Federal Information Processing Code for the County. The first two digits are the state FIPs code. The last three digits are the county FIPs code. |
FIPS_STATE_CODE | String | 2 | Two digit Federal Information Processing (FIPs) state code. |
FIPS_MUNI_CODE | String | 3 | Three digit Federal Information Processing (FIPs) county code. |
UNIQUE_PARCEL_APN | String | 50 | Unique parcel APN derived from the parcel geometry. (note: may differ from unique apn derived from the tax assessor) |
PARCEL_APN | String | 40 | Master Parcel APN. This is the master/main APN number associated with the primary parcel in a location where multiple parcels with identical geometry exist. This can occur where there are multiple taxable properties in a location (condos, timeshares, mobile home parks) |
COUNTY | String | 50 | County Name |
TAXAPN | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assessor. Excludes APN sequence number (DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ) EX: 07-08-34.001 |
TAXAPN_UNF | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assessor (See TAXAPN field) modified to remove special characters. (EX if TAXAPN is 07-08-34.001 TAXAPN_UNF would be 070834001) |
DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ | String | 2 | Duplicate APN Sequence Number. (NOT a Complete APN). The logic varies by County. Often utilized to discern between a building, buildings and or units on a parcel. The additional sequence numbers can distinguish between the primary or master parcel and subsequent taxable entities. (EX: 01, 02, 03 etc) |
UNIQUE_TAXAPN | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assessor (TAXAPN) + duplicate apn sequence number (DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ) if populated. Ex: 07-08-34.001 01 |
ALTERNATE_TAXAPN | String | 40 | Depreciated or historical parcel number as inventoried by the tax assessor. |
ALTERNATE_TAXAPN_INDICATOR | String | 1 | A code indicating if the APN is a deprecated or historical parcel number as inventoried by the tax assessor. Refer to the field ALTERNATE_TAXAPN_INDICATOR_DESC for the corresponding description. |
ASSOCIATED_ASSESSMENT_COUNT | Integer | int | Number of properties associated with a parcel. |
SITE_ADDR | String | 200 | Address where the physical property is located. Comprised of all site address components excluding city, Zip code and zip + 4 code. (e.g. 125 Main St E Unit # 5) |
SITE_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 13 | Property street number returned from corrected address process. (EX "123" in "123 main street anytown CA") |
SITE_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Property street directional prefix returned from corrected address process (EX: "E" in "123 E Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | Property street name returned from corrected address process (EX:"Main" in "123 Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_MODE | String | 5 | Property street suffix returned from corrected address process (EX: "St" in "123 Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Property street name directional suffix returned from corrected address process (EX: "W" in "123 Main St W Anytown CA") |
SITE_UNIT_PREFIX | String | 10 | Property Unit type returned from corrected address process (EX "Unit" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_UNIT_NUMBER | String | 6 | Property Unit number returned from corrected address process (EX "A" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_CITY | String | 40 | Property city name returned from corrected address process (EX "Anytown" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_STATE | String | 2 | Property state returned from corrected address process (EX "CA" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_ZIP | String | 5 | Property zip code returned from corrected address process (EX "92120" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA 92120 ") |
SITE_PLUS_4 | String | 4 | 4 digit "plus 4 code" or "add on code" where the physical property resides used by the US Postal service to identify a geographic segment within a 5 digit postal ZIP code. (e.g. 5437) |
SITE_CARRIER_CODE | String | 4 | The 1 letter designation for carrier route type plus the 3 digit carrier route code for the physical property (e.g. "R103") |
ADDR_SCORE | Integer | int | Score indicating level of completeness of address content. 1-5 with 5 as highest score |
CENSUS_TRACT | String | 10 | Small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated by local participants prior to each decennial census as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program |
CENSUS_BLOCK_GROUP | String | 1 | Block Group: Geographical unit used by the United States Census Bureau which is between the Census Tract and the Census Block. |
CENSUS_BLOCK | String | 4 | The Census block of the subdivision or city in which the property is located. |
CBSA_CODE | String | 10 | Code indicating Core Based Statistical Area from spatial overlay. |
MUNICIPALITY | String | 30 | The Jurisdiction In Which The Property Is Located. |
MSA_CODE | String | 4 | The Metropolitan Statistical Area code. Refer to MSA_CODE_DESC for the corresponding description. |
MSA_CODE_DESC | String | 255 | Description of MSA_CODE. |
AGGR_ACREAGE | Double | float | Sum of lot acreage owned by the same ownership entity, within a single county extent. (see AGGR_GROUP for more detail on how ownership is identified) |
AGGR_GROUP | String | 100 | ID indicating the grouping (ownership) of parcels for a single owner. Ownership identified by proprietary model that leverages both owner name and owner address. Parcels are identified within 300ft of adjacency, within a single county extent. |
AGGR_LOT_WIDTH_MEDIAN | Integer | int | Median lot width of all parcels within the aggregated owner group (AGGR_GROUP). |
AGGR_LOT_COUNT | Integer | int | Number of parcels owned by the same ownership entity, within a single county extent. (see AGGR_GROUP for more detail on how ownership is identified) |
OWNER_OCCUPIED | String | 1 | Indicates if the property is occupied by the owner (Y/N) |
OWNER_NAME | String | 166 | Owner full name provided as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. Contains multiple owners if present. |
OWNER_NAME_1 | String | 166 | Current First Owner full name (first middle last) |
OWNER_1_FIRST | String | 30 | Owner 1 first name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_1_LAST | String | 30 | Owner 1 last name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_1_MID | String | 20 | Owner 1 middle name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_NAME_2 | String | 166 | Owner 2 full name (first middle last) provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNER_2_FIRST | String | 30 | Owner 2 first name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNER_2_LAST | String | 30 | Owner 2 last name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_2_MID | String | 20 | Owner 2 middle name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNERSHIP_STATUS_CODE | String | 3 | Ownership status code for the last sale of a property. See Ownership_Status_Desc |
OWNERSHIP_STATUS_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the OWNERSHIP_STATUS_CODE field. |
COMPANY_FLAG | String | 1 | Flag indicating if property is occupied by a company |
OWNER_SRC_CODE | String | 1 | Code determining the source for the owner name 1=Parsed owner name from Deed. 2=Parsed owner name from Mortgage (SAM) 3= Owner name programmatically parsed 4=Not able to parse owner name |
TIMESHARE_CODE | String | 1 | A code indicating whether or not a property is a timeshare. A value of "Y" means the property is a timeshare. |
MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 13 | Address of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "125" in 125 Main St) - |
MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER_SUFFIX | String | 10 | The letter that comes after the address number in the case that there are not enough numbers for all the buildings on a street. Ex: the "A" in 9A Main St. |
MAIL_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Directional prefix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "N" in N 125 Main St) |
MAIL_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | This street name portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "Main" in 125 Main St) |
MAIL_MODE | String | 5 | Street Name Suffix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "St" in 125 Main St) |
MAIL_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Directional suffix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "E" in 125 Main St E) |
MAIL_UNIT_PREFIX | String | 10 | The unit prefix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e..g. "Apt" in 125 Main St Apt A) |
MAIL_UNIT_NUMBER | String | 6 | The unit number portion of the current owner mailing address (e..g. "B" in 125 Main St Apt B) |
MAIL_CITY | String | 40 | City portion of the owner mailing address. (e.g. CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DENVER). |
MAIL_STATE | String | 2 | Two letter state code of the owner mailing address .(e.g. CA, NV WA) |
MAIL_ZIP | String | 5 | Postal Code portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g 92675) |
MAIL_PLUS_4 | String | 4 | 4 digit "plus 4 code" or "add on code" of the current owner mailing address. Used by the US Postal service to identify a geographic segment within a 5 digit postal ZIP code. (e.g. 5437) |
MAIL_CRRT | String | 4 | The 1 letter designation for carrier route type plus the 3 digit carrier route code for the current owner mailing address (e.g. "R103") |
MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME | String | 60 | Care of Name of the current owner mailing address. |
MAIL_ADDR | String | 200 | Current Owner Mailing Street Address. Comprised of Street name, Street Directional Prefix, Street Number, Street Suffix, Unit type and Unit number. EX: "125 Main Street S Unit 5" |
USE_CODE_MUNI | String | 10 | Local/Municipal Use Code of a property. Refer to USE_CODE_MUNI_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
USE_CODE_MUNI_DESC | String | 45 | Description of the USE_CODE_MUNI field |
USE_CODE_STD_LPS | String | 100 | Standardized Land Use Code normalized across all counties. Indicates the use of a property. |
USE_CODE_STD_DESC_LPS | String | 50 | Description of the Standardized Land Use Code. |
USE_CODE_STD_CTGR_DESC_LPS | String | 100 | Description of the Standardized Land Use Category Code. |
USE_CODE_STD_CTGR_LPS | String | 5 | Standardized land Use Category Code. |
STATE_LAND_USE_CODE | String | 10 | The land use code used by the state for land use classification. This field is only populated if this code differs from county land use code. Refer to the STATE_LAND_USE_CODE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
STATE_LAND_USE_CODE_DESC | String | 100 | Description for STATE_LAND_USE_CODE field. |
LOT_WIDTH | Integer | int | The linear feet across the front of the lot, often the side of the property facing the street. |
LOT_DEPTH | Integer | int | The linear feet between the front and back of the lot. |
ACREAGE | Double | float | The size of the property, in acres. Derived from the assessment record when possible, otherwise calculated from associated parcel geometry. |
LAND_SQFT | Double | float | The size of the property, in square feet Derived from the assessment record when possible, otherwise calculated from associated parcel geometry. |
ASSR_ACREAGE | Double | float | Assessed acreage of the property as reported by the assessor. |
ASSR_SQFT | Double | float | Lot size square feet as reported by the assessor. |
CAL_ACREAGE | Double | float | Calculated acreage derived from the associated parcel geometry |
CAL_SQFT | Double | float | Calculated square feet derived from the associated parcel geometry |
LOT_SIZE_AREA | Double | float | The total area of the land from the assessor. Units for area are in LOT_SIZE_AREA_UNIT field. |
LOT_SIZE_AREA_UNIT | String | 2 | Units of measurement referenced used Lot Size Area |
LOT_SIZE_AREA_ORGN | String | 14 | The Total Square Footage Of The Land. |
TOPOGRAPHY | String | 1 | Contains code representing the physical (including man-made) or natural features of the land. |
TOPOGRAPHY_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the TOPOGRAPHY field. |
VAL_ASSD | Integer | int | The Total Assessed Value of both Land & Improvement values (before exemptions, if any) for the property as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. |
VAL_ASSD_LAND | Integer | int | The Assessed Land Value (before exemptions, if any) as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. |
VAL_ASSD_IMPRV | Integer | int | The Assessed Improvement Values (before exemptions, if any) as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
IMPRV_PCT | Double | float | Percent of the Total Assessed Value from improvements. The improvement value divided by the total assessed value is the Percentage. |
VAL_MARKET | Integer | int | Total Market value as determined by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
LAND_PER_SQFT | Double | float | Assessed land value per square foot. |
IMPRV_PER_SQFT | Double | float | Assessed Improvement value per square foot of land |
DATE_CERT | String | 8 | The date that the file was certified by the county in the format YYYYMMDD. |
RECORD_TYPE | String | 2 | A code indicating the type of ownership for the parcel. Refer to the RECORD_TYPE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
RECORD_TYPE_DESC | String | 250 | Description for the RECORD_TYPE field. |
ASMT_RCDRS_BOOK | String | 10 | Assessment / Recorders Book |
ASMT_RCDRS_PAGE | String | 10 | Assessment / Recorders Page |
VAL_MRKT_LAND | Integer | int | Market value of the land as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
VAL_MRKT_IMPRV | Integer | int | Market value of improvements as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
YR_MRKT_VAL | String | 4 | Year that market values were established. |
DATE_ASSR_TAPE_CUT | String | 8 | Date the county assessor or tax collector generated the taxroll data. |
ASMT_YEAR | String | 4 | Year in which the property was assessed |
ASMT_RCDRS_DOC_NUMBER | String | 20 | Recorder Document number from the Tax/Assessment |
ASMT_RCDRS_DATE_TRANSFER | String | 8 | Recording Date for most recent Sale from the Tax/Assessment. |
ASMT_DOC_TYPE | String | 25 | Description of the Document Type for the most recent Sale from the Tax/Assessment. |
ASMT_VAL_TRANSFER | String | 10 | Sales price paid for the property as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority |
ASMT_SALE_CODE | String | 1 | The code indicating the source for the sale price in ASMT_VAL_TRANSFER field. |
ASMT_SALE_CODE_DESC | String | 5000 | This field indicates whether the financial consideration is F = Full, P = Partial on the latest sale. Accurate as of the time of the assessor tax roll release but may not reflect the latest sales price code. |
ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_DATE_TRANSFER | String | 8 | The date the property sold to the previous owner as listed on the county tax/assessment roll. Date may reflect a market sale or non-market sale. |
ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_VAL_TRANSFER | String | 10 | Sales price paid by the previous owner of the subject parcel as listed on the county tax/assessment roll. Price may reflect a market sale or non-market sale. |
ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_SALE_CODE | String | 1 | The code indicating the source for the sale price in ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_VAL_TRANSFER field. |
ASMT_LNDR_NAME | String | 40 | The name of the company or individual that holds the mortgage as provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
BLOCK_NUMBER | String | 5 | The block number in which the property is located as indicated in legal reporting. |
LOT_NUMBER | String | 5 | The individual lot(s) which comprise the property. The actual lot number(s) such as in a tract or subdivision as indicated in legal reporting. |
SUBDIVISION | String | 50 | The name of the subdivision, plat, or tract in which the property is located as indicated in legal reporting. |
TRACT_NUMBER | String | 20 | The number of the tract in which the property is located as indicated in legal reporting. |
LEGAL_1 | String | 250 | Narrative legal description of the property as documented by the assessor |
LOT_CODE | String | 2 | Identifies Properties Which Include More Than One Lot Or Partial Lots. (M = multiple, P = portion, MP = multiple with portions) |
LAND_LOT | String | 10 | A Large Portion Or Tract Of Land (Which May Also Encompass Many Individual Blocks Or Lots) In Which The Property Is Located. |
DISTRICT | String | 12 | The District In Which The Property Is Located. Usually A Numeric Code Corresponding To The Literal Name In Legal: City, Municipality, Township. |
LEGAL_UNIT | String | 6 | The subdivision unit number. Common for condominiums, townhomes, etc. Not necessarily the same as the property unit number. |
PHASE_NBR | String | 2 | The Phase Number Of The Subdivision Or Tract Development. |
ASSR_MAP_REF | String | 15 | The map number assigned by the County Assessor; may or may not be the same as either the APN or legal map references. |
CITY_SECTION | String | 70 | The Section Of The City In Which The Property Is Located. |
LEGAL_FULL | String | 392 | Full Legal Description of property (compilation of all legal descriptions). |
LEGAL_SEC_TWP_RNG | String | 30 | Section Township and Range as indicated in the legal reporting |
ZONING | String | 10 | Actual City Zoning, unique to each incorporated area as reported to the County. Please note that it is not always current, nor reported. |
TOWNSHIP | String | 3 | The "township" portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Townships typically run north or south of pre-determined "meridian". Nominally six (U.S. Survey) miles (~9.7 km) on a side. Each 36-square-mile (~93 km2) township is divided into 36 one-square-mile (~2.6 km2) sections. |
RANGE | String | 3 | The "range" portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Ranges typically run east or west of pre-determined "meridian" in six mile intervals. |
SECTION | String | 4 | The "section" portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Sections are 1 square mile one square mile (2.6 square kilometers), containing 640 acres (260 hectares). There are 36 sections making up one survey township on a rectangular grid. |
TAX_RATE_CODE_AREA | String | 18 | This is a county specific code or description that represent the tax entity(s) for which a parcel is taxed. |
TAX_SRC_CODE | String | 1 | Source of Tax Rate Code (T=Tax , A= Assessor) |
TAX_ACCT_NBR | String | 30 | When Provided In The Assessment Files, An Arbitrary Parcel Identifier Usually Assigned By The County Treasurer For Tax Purposes. Sometimes referred to as the Tax Id number |
TAX_YEAR | Integer | smallint | The tax or assessment year for which the taxes were billed. |
TAX_AMOUNT | Integer | int | The Total Tax amount provided by the county or local taxing authority. |
TAX_YEAR_DELINQ | Integer | int | Year when tax amount is delinquent when tax is unpaid after the payment due date |
TAX_EXEMPT_CODES | String | 4 | Tax Exemption code(s) of the property, up to four (4) property tax exemptions. Refer to TAX_EXEMPT_CODES_DESC for corresponding description. |
TAX_EXEMPT_CODES_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the TAX_EXEMPT_CODES field. |
CA_HOME_OWNERS_EXEMPT | String | 1 | Indicates whether California Homeowner's Exemption is applicable. |
YR_BLT | Integer | smallint | Year the primary structure on the property was built. |
YR_BLT_EFFECT | Integer | smallint | This is the first year the building was assessed with its current components (e.g., a building is originally constructed in 1960 and a bedroom and bath was added to the building in 1974. The Year Built would be 1960 and the Effective Year Built would be 1974 |
BLDG_NUMBER | Integer | int | Total number of buildings or structures on a single parcel as reported on the assessment roll |
BUILDING_SQFT | Integer | int | The building area of the primary structure on the property. If there are multiple residential units this is primarily the area of the largest residential structure. If the building is comprised of multiple uses (ex: Commercial plus Residential), then the value is typically equal to the residential living area. |
BSMT_1_CODE | String | 2 | Code indicating the type of basement found in the building (e.g., unfinished, partial etc). Refer to BASEMENT_FINISH_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BASEMENT_FINISH_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the BSMT_1_CODE field. |
ELECT_AVAIL_CODE | String | 2 | Total number of elevators/escalators or Y/N indicating presence. Refer to ELECT_AVAIL_CODE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
ELECT_AVAIL_CODE_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the Elect_Avail_Code field. |
BEDROOMS | Integer | int | Count of bedrooms (with closet). Residential only. |
TOTAL_ROOMS | Double | float | Total number of rooms reported on the assessment roll. |
TOTAL_BATHS_CALCULATED | Double | float | Number of full baths plus partial baths. |
TOTAL_BATHS | Double | float | Total count of full and partial bathrooms. Ex. 2 Full Bath + 2 Half Bath = 4 |
PARTIAL_BATHS | String | 2 | The Total Count Of Partial Baths as a whole number. Ex. 1/2 bath and a 3/4 bath = 2 Partial Bath |
AIR_CONDITIONING | String | 3 | Code indicating the type of air conditioning method used to cool the building (e.g., Central, Evaporative). Refer to AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the AIR_CONDITIONING field. |
CONSTRUCTION_CODE | String | 3 | Code indicating the type of construction (e.g., Brick / Concrete etc). Refer to CONSTRUCTION_CODE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
CONSTRUCTION_CODE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the CONSTRUCTION_CODE field. |
EXTERIOR_WALL_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating the type and/or finish of the exterior walls (e.g., Vinyl Siding, Brick Veneer). Refer to EXTERIOR_WALL_DESC field for corresponding description. |
EXTERIOR_WALL_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTERIOR_WALL_TYPE field. |
FIREPLACE_TYPE | String | 3 | Reported differently in counties - can be either the number of fireplaces or a "Y" indicating that a fireplace is present, "N" indicating there is no fireplace, blank is unknown. |
FOUNDATION_TYPE | String | 3 | The code that defines the type of foundation (e.g., Continuous Footing, Pier, Mud Sill). Refer to FOUNDATION_TYPE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
FOUNDATION_TYPE_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the FOUNDATION_TYPE field. |
GARAGE_CARPORT_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating type of garage or carport present (e.g., Attached Finished, Enclosed Carport, Basement Garage). Refer to GARAGE_CODE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
GARAGE_CODE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the GARAGE_CARPORT_TYPE field. |
HEATING_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating type of fuel used for heating of water and building (e.g., Electric, Centrial, Solar, Propane). Refer to HEATING_DESC field for corresponding description. |
HEATING_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the HEATING_TYPE field. |
PARKING_SPACES | Integer | int | Total number of parking spaces or car capacity associated with the garage or parking area. |
POOL_INDICATOR | String | 1 | Code indicating type of pool on the property (e.g., Above Ground, In Ground, Spa). Refer to POOL_INDICATOR_DESC field for corresponding description. |
POOL_INDICATOR_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the POOL_INDICATOR field. |
ROOF_COVER_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating the type of roof covering (e.g., Clay Tile, Aluminum, Shake). Refer to ROOF_COVER_DESC field for corresponding description. |
ROOF_COVER_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the ROOF_COVER_TYPE field. |
STORIES_NUMBER | String | 10 | Code indicating the number of stories of the main structure on the property. Refer to STORIES_NUMBER_DESC for corresponding description. |
STORIES_NUMBER_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the STORIES_NUMBER field. |
STYLE_TYPE | String | 3 | Code Indicating type of building style (e.g., Colonial, Cape Code, Bungalow). Refer to STYLE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
STYLE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the STYLE_TYPE field. |
UNITS_NUMBER | Integer | int | Number of units reported on the assessment roll. Primarily used for reporting of apartment buildings. |
BLDG_CLASS | String | 1 | Fire Insurance Building Classification Code used for Commercial/Industrial buildings. Refer to BLDG_CLASS_DESC for corresponding description. |
BLDG_CLASS_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the BLDG_CLASS field. |
BUILDING_QUALITY | String | 2 | A code reflecting the quality of a building. Usually comes as a grade from the county. |
FLOOR_COVER | String | 2 | A code reflecting the type of flooring used in improvements on the property. Refer to the FLOOR_COVER_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
FLOOR_COVER_DESC | String | 60 | Description for the FLOOR_COVER field. |
PLUMBING_FIXTURES | Integer | smallint | This is a numerical field identifying the number of plumbing features reported by the county assessor in the primary building/improvement on the property. |
HEATING_FUEL_TYPE | String | 1 | Code for type of heating fuel. Refer to the HEATING_FUEL_TYPE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
HEATING_FUEL_TYPE_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the HEATING_FUEL_TYPE field. |
AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE | String | 1 | A code describing the type of air conditioning. Some counties may also provide an air conditioning method or system. Refer to the AIR_CONDITIONING_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
AIR_CONDITIONING_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE field. |
INTERIOR_WALLS | String | 1 | A code reflecting the composition of the interior walls. Refer to the INTERIOR_WALLS_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
INTERIOR_WALLS_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the INTERIOR_WALLS field. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1 | String | 15 | Identifies school and/or tax districts. These fields will be used in different ways, depending on the data provided by the county. If the county provides three or fewer districts, the School/Tax District field will contain the name or description of the district, and an identifying code will move to School/Tax District Indicator. If there are multiple districts, as in many Texas counties, as many districts as possible will move to the three school/tax district fields. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_IND | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of tax district in SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1 field. Refer to the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_IND field. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2 | String | 15 | Identifies school and/or tax districts. These fields will be used in different ways, depending on the data provided by the county. If the county provides three or fewer districts, the School/Tax District field will contain the name or description of the district, and an identifying code will move to School/Tax District Indicator. If there are multiple districts, as in many Texas counties, as many districts as possible will move to the three school/tax district fields. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_IND | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of tax district in SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2 field. Refer to the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_IND field. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3 | String | 15 | Identifies school and/or tax districts. These fields will be used in different ways, depending on the data provided by the county. If the county provides three or fewer districts, the School/Tax District field will contain the name or description of the district, and an identifying code will move to School/Tax District Indicator. If there are multiple districts, as in many Texas counties, as many districts as possible will move to the three school/tax district fields. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_IND | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of tax district in SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3 field. Refer to the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_IND field. |
SITE_INFLUENCE | String | 2 | A code identifying the features or characteristics of a location which might influence the value or desirability of a parcel, such as waterfront or traffic patterns. The field can contain up to two codes. Refer to the SITE_INFLUENCE_DESCRIPTION field for the corresponding description. |
SITE_INFLUENCE_DESCRIPTION | String | 100 | Describes the features/characteristics of location |
AMENITIES | String | 5 | A code identifying the extra selling features that add to the value of property, such as a tennis court or golf course. This data is provided by the county, but typically does not indicate the size of the Amenity. This field can contain up to five codes. Refer to the AMENITIES_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
AMENITIES_DESC | String | 200 | Description of the AMENITIES field. |
AMENITIES_2 | String | 5 | A code identifying the extra selling features that add to the value of property, such as a tennis court or golf course. This data is provided by the county, but typically does not indicate the size of the Amenity. This field can contain up to five codes. Refer to the AMENITIES_2_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
AMENITIES_2_DESC | String | 200 | Description of the AMENITIES_2 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_1 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_1_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_1_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_1 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_2 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_2_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_2_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_2 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_3 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_3_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_3_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_3 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_4 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_4_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_4_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_4 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_5 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_5_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_5_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_5 field. |
NEIGHBORHOOD_CODE | String | 9 | A code indicating the neighborhood or geographic area of a parcel. This is a county-provided code. |
CONDO_PROJECT_BUILDING_NAME | String | 20 | The name of a condominium building or complex and/or building name or complex. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1 | String | 9 | Contains the measurements of their respective Buildings and Improvements described in Other Impr Bldg Ind 1-5. Can be dimensions or SQFT. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_ROOMS | String | 5 | A code indicating the rooms within the main building/house, if provided by the county. You can move up to five (5) codes per parcel. Refer to the OTHER_ROOMS_DESC field for the corresponding description(s). |
OTHER_ROOMS_DESC | String | 150 | Description of the OTHER_ROOMS field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1 | String | 9 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_IND field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2 | String | 2 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_DIMENSIONS | String | 50 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_IND field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3 | String | 9 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_IND field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4 | String | 9 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_IND field. |
ROOF_TYPE | String | 1 | A code describing the architectural style of the roof (gable, mansard, etc). Refer to the ROOF_TYPE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
ROOF_TYPE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the ROOF_TYPE field. |
BUILDING_CONDITION | String | 1 | Additional information regarding a parcel. This information may come from a comments field provided by the county or can be information added by the analyst. If Duplicate parcels are present, this field contains a Summary of multiple building records and should contain the Improvement # and any available physical characteristics. Refer to the BUILDING_CONDITION_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BUILDING_CONDITION_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the BUILDING_CONDITION field. |
WATER | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of water system for the property. Refer to the WATER_CODE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
WATER_CODE_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the WATER field. |
SEWER | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of waste disposal/sewage system for the property. Refer to the SEWER_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
SEWER_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the SEWER field. |
BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR | String | 1 | Identifies the value moved to BUILDING AREA [86]. Some examples are living area, basement area, 1st floor area. When a county provides multiple areas, the preferred value to move to BUILDING AREA [86] is Living Area. Refer to the BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR field. |
ASMT_MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME_INDICATOR | String | 1 | Indicates the predominate pattern of names for Mail Care-Of Name as reported by the assessor |
ASMT_MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME_TYPE | String | 1 | Indicate whether the care of Names associated with a parcel as reported by the assessor are individuals, businesses, or government |
ASMT_MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME | String | 60 | Care of name (C/O) in the property mailing address recorded by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
ASMT_MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 7 | House number portion of the site mailing address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. (e.g. "125" in 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Directional Prefix portion of the property address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release (e.g. "N" in N 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | Street name portion of the property address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release (e.g. "Main" in 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_MODE | String | 2 | Street name suffix portion of the property address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release . (e.g. "St" in 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Street name mode portion of the mailing address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. (e.g. "E" in 125 Main St E) |
ASMT_MAIL_CARRIER_CODE | String | 4 | This is the four digit code as reported by the taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. Used by the local mail carrier to identify the delivery (e.g. "R103") |
ASMT_OWNER_OCCUPIED | String | 1 | Indicates if the property is occupied by the owner. Y-Owner-occupied property (SFR/Condo) O-Owner-occupied property (Non-Residential), no longer in use (refer to code Y or B) B-Probable owner-occupied property - no property address and mailing address within County. (Improved Residential) |
GEOMETRY_SOURCE | String | 24 | Indicates method use to geocode property point location. |
POINT_GEOMETRY | WKT | Geometry | Point geometry of the property location. |
POLYGON_GEOMETRY | Geometry | Geometry | Parcel polygon geometry. |
OrphanAssessments Table
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
ASSESSMENT_LID | String | 50 | A proprietary LightBox identifier for assessment record that is unique and persistent. |
FIPS_CODE | String | 5 | Federal Information Processing Code for the State + Federal Information Processing Code for the County. The first two digits are the state FIPs code. The last three digits are the county FIPs code. |
FIPS_STATE_CODE | String | 2 | Two digit Federal Information Processing (FIPs) state code. |
FIPS_MUNI_CODE | String | 3 | Three digit Federal Information Processing (FIPs) county code. |
UNIQUE_PARCEL_APN | String | 50 | Unique parcel APN derived from the parcel geometry. (note: may differ from unique apn derived from the tax assessor) |
PARCEL_APN | String | 40 | Master Parcel APN. This is the master/main APN number associated with the primary parcel in a location where multiple parcels with identical geometry exist. This can occur where there are multiple taxable properties in a location (condos, timeshares, mobile home parks) |
COUNTY | String | 50 | County Name |
TAXAPN | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assessor. Excludes APN sequence number (DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ) EX: 07-08-34.001 |
TAXAPN_UNF | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assessor (See TAXAPN field) modified to remove special characters. (EX if TAXAPN is 07-08-34.001 TAXAPN_UNF would be 070834001) |
DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ | String | 2 | Duplicate APN Sequence Number. (NOT a Complete APN). The logic varies by County. Often utilized to discern between a building, buildings and or units on a parcel. The additional sequence numbers can distinguish between the primary or master parcel and subsequent taxable entities. (EX: 01, 02, 03 etc) |
UNIQUE_TAXAPN | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assessor (TAXAPN) + duplicate apn sequence number (DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ) if populated. Ex: 07-08-34.001 01 |
ALTERNATE_TAXAPN | String | 40 | Depreciated or historical parcel number as inventoried by the tax assessor. |
ALTERNATE_TAXAPN_INDICATOR | String | 1 | A code indicating if the APN is a deprecated or historical parcel number as inventoried by the tax assessor. Refer to the field ALTERNATE_TAXAPN_INDICATOR_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SITE_ADDR | String | 200 | Address where the physical property is located. Comprised of all site address components excluding city, Zip code and zip + 4 code. (e.g. 125 Main St E Unit # 5) |
SITE_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 13 | Property street number returned from corrected address process. (EX "123" in "123 main street anytown CA") |
SITE_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Property street directional prefix returned from corrected address process (EX: "E" in "123 E Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | Property street name returned from corrected address process (EX:"Main" in "123 Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_MODE | String | 5 | Property street suffix returned from corrected address process (EX: "St" in "123 Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Property street name directional suffix returned from corrected address process (EX: "W" in "123 Main St W Anytown CA") |
SITE_UNIT_PREFIX | String | 10 | Property Unit type returned from corrected address process (EX "Unit" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_UNIT_NUMBER | String | 6 | Property Unit number returned from corrected address process (EX "A" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_CITY | String | 40 | Property city name returned from corrected address process (EX "Anytown" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_STATE | String | 2 | Property state returned from corrected address process (EX "CA" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_ZIP | String | 5 | Property zip code returned from corrected address process (EX "92120" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA 92120 ") |
SITE_PLUS_4 | String | 4 | 4 digit "plus 4 code" or "add on code" where the physical property resides used by the US Postal service to identify a geographic segment within a 5 digit postal ZIP code. (e.g. 5437) |
SITE_CARRIER_CODE | String | 4 | The 1 letter designation for carrier route type plus the 3 digit carrier route code for the physical property (e.g. "R103") |
ADDR_SCORE | Integer | int | Score indicating level of completeness of address content. 1-5 with 5 as highest score |
CENSUS_TRACT | String | 10 | Small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated by local participants prior to each decennial census as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program |
CENSUS_BLOCK_GROUP | String | 1 | Block Group: Geographical unit used by the United States Census Bureau which is between the Census Tract and the Census Block. |
CENSUS_BLOCK | String | 4 | The Census block of the subdivision or city in which the property is located. |
CBSA_CODE | String | 10 | Code indicating Core Based Statistical Area from spatial overlay. |
MUNICIPALITY | String | 30 | The Jurisdiction In Which The Property Is Located. |
MSA_CODE | String | 4 | The Metropolitan Statistical Area code. Refer to MSA_CODE_DESC for the corresponding description. |
MSA_CODE_DESC | String | 255 | Description of MSA_CODE. |
OWNER_OCCUPIED | String | 1 | Indicates if the property is occupied by the owner (Y/N) |
OWNER_NAME | String | 166 | Owner full name provided as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. Contains multiple owners if present. |
OWNER_NAME_1 | String | 166 | Current First Owner full name (first middle last) |
OWNER_1_FIRST | String | 30 | Owner 1 first name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_1_LAST | String | 30 | Owner 1 last name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_1_MID | String | 20 | Owner 1 middle name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_NAME_2 | String | 166 | Owner 2 full name (first middle last) provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNER_2_FIRST | String | 30 | Owner 2 first name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNER_2_LAST | String | 30 | Owner 2 last name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_2_MID | String | 20 | Owner 2 middle name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNERSHIP_STATUS_CODE | String | 3 | Ownership status code for the last sale of a property. See Ownership_Status_Desc |
OWNERSHIP_STATUS_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the OWNERSHIP_STATUS_CODE field. |
COMPANY_FLAG | String | 1 | Flag indicating if property is occupied by a company |
OWNER_SRC_CODE | String | 1 | Code determining the source for the owner name 1=Parsed owner name from Deed. 2=Parsed owner name from Mortgage (SAM) 3= Owner name programmatically parsed 4=Not able to parse owner name |
TIMESHARE_CODE | String | 1 | A code indicating whether or not a property is a timeshare. A value of "Y" means the property is a timeshare. |
MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 13 | Address of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "125" in 125 Main St) - |
MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER_SUFFIX | String | 10 | The letter that comes after the address number in the case that there are not enough numbers for all the buildings on a street. Ex: the "A" in 9A Main St. |
MAIL_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Directional prefix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "N" in N 125 Main St) |
MAIL_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | This street name portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "Main" in 125 Main St) |
MAIL_MODE | String | 5 | Street Name Suffix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "St" in 125 Main St) |
MAIL_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Directional suffix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "E" in 125 Main St E) |
MAIL_UNIT_PREFIX | String | 10 | The unit prefix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e..g. "Apt" in 125 Main St Apt A) |
MAIL_UNIT_NUMBER | String | 6 | The unit number portion of the current owner mailing address (e..g. "B" in 125 Main St Apt B) |
MAIL_CITY | String | 40 | City portion of the owner mailing address. (e.g. CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DENVER). |
MAIL_STATE | String | 2 | Two letter state code of the owner mailing address .(e.g. CA, NV WA) |
MAIL_ZIP | String | 5 | Postal Code portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g 92675) |
MAIL_PLUS_4 | String | 4 | 4 digit "plus 4 code" or "add on code" of the current owner mailing address. Used by the US Postal service to identify a geographic segment within a 5 digit postal ZIP code. (e.g. 5437) |
MAIL_CRRT | String | 4 | The 1 letter designation for carrier route type plus the 3 digit carrier route code for the current owner mailing address (e.g. "R103") |
MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME | String | 60 | Care of Name of the current owner mailing address. |
MAIL_ADDR | String | 200 | Current Owner Mailing Street Address. Comprised of Street name, Street Directional Prefix, Street Number, Street Suffix, Unit type and Unit number. EX: "125 Main Street S Unit 5" |
USE_CODE_MUNI | String | 10 | Local/Municipal Use Code of a property. Refer to USE_CODE_MUNI_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
USE_CODE_MUNI_DESC | String | 45 | Description of the USE_CODE_MUNI field |
USE_CODE_STD_LPS | String | 100 | Standardized Land Use Code normalized across all counties. Indicates the use of a property. |
USE_CODE_STD_DESC_LPS | String | 50 | Description of the Standardized Land Use Code. |
USE_CODE_STD_CTGR_DESC_LPS | String | 100 | Description of the Standardized Land Use Category Code. |
USE_CODE_STD_CTGR_LPS | String | 5 | Standardized land Use Category Code. |
STATE_LAND_USE_CODE | String | 10 | The land use code used by the state for land use classification. This field is only populated if this code differs from county land use code. Refer to the STATE_LAND_USE_CODE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
STATE_LAND_USE_CODE_DESC | String | 100 | Description for STATE_LAND_USE_CODE field. |
LOT_WIDTH | Integer | int | The linear feet across the front of the lot, often the side of the property facing the street. |
LOT_DEPTH | Integer | int | The linear feet between the front and back of the lot. |
ACREAGE | Double | float | The size of the property, in acres. Derived from the assessment record when possible, otherwise calculated from associated parcel geometry. |
LAND_SQFT | Double | float | The size of the property, in square feet Derived from the assessment record when possible, otherwise calculated from associated parcel geometry. |
ASSR_ACREAGE | Double | float | Assessed acreage of the property as reported by the assessor. |
ASSR_SQFT | Double | float | Lot size square feet as reported by the assessor. |
CAL_ACREAGE | Double | float | Calculated acreage derived from the associated parcel geometry |
CAL_SQFT | Double | float | Calculated square feet derived from the associated parcel geometry |
LOT_SIZE_AREA | Double | float | The total area of the land from the assessor. Units for area are in LOT_SIZE_AREA_UNIT field. |
LOT_SIZE_AREA_UNIT | String | 2 | Units of measurement referenced used Lot Size Area |
LOT_SIZE_AREA_ORGN | String | 14 | The Total Square Footage Of The Land. |
TOPOGRAPHY | String | 1 | Contains code representing the physical (including man-made) or natural features of the land. |
TOPOGRAPHY_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the TOPOGRAPHY field. |
VAL_ASSD | Integer | int | The Total Assessed Value of both Land & Improvement values (before exemptions, if any) for the property as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. |
VAL_ASSD_LAND | Integer | int | The Assessed Land Value (before exemptions, if any) as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. |
VAL_ASSD_IMPRV | Integer | int | The Assessed Improvement Values (before exemptions, if any) as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
IMPRV_PCT | Double | float | Percent of the Total Assessed Value from improvements. The improvement value divided by the total assessed value is the Percentage. |
VAL_MARKET | Integer | int | Total Market value as determined by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
LAND_PER_SQFT | Double | float | Assessed land value per square foot. |
IMPRV_PER_SQFT | Double | float | Assessed Improvement value per square foot of land |
DATE_CERT | String | 8 | The date that the file was certified by the county in the format YYYYMMDD. |
RECORD_TYPE | String | 2 | A code indicating the type of ownership for the parcel. Refer to the RECORD_TYPE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
RECORD_TYPE_DESC | String | 250 | Description for the RECORD_TYPE field. |
ASMT_RCDRS_BOOK | String | 10 | Assessment / Recorders Book |
ASMT_RCDRS_PAGE | String | 10 | Assessment / Recorders Page |
VAL_MRKT_LAND | Integer | int | Market value of the land as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
VAL_MRKT_IMPRV | Integer | int | Market value of improvements as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority |
YR_MRKT_VAL | String | 4 | Year that market values were established. |
DATE_ASSR_TAPE_CUT | String | 8 | Date the county assessor or tax collector generated the taxroll data. |
ASMT_YEAR | String | 4 | Year in which the property was assessed |
ASMT_RCDRS_DOC_NUMBER | String | 20 | Recorder Document number from the Tax/Assessment |
ASMT_RCDRS_DATE_TRANSFER | String | 8 | Recording Date for most recent Sale from the Tax/Assessment. |
ASMT_DOC_TYPE | String | 25 | Description of the Document Type for the most recent Sale from the Tax/Assessment. |
ASMT_VAL_TRANSFER | String | 10 | Sales price paid for the property as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority |
ASMT_SALE_CODE | String | 1 | The code indicating the source for the sale price in ASMT_VAL_TRANSFER field. |
ASMT_SALE_CODE_DESC | String | 5000 | This field indicates whether the financial consideration is F = Full, P = Partial on the latest sale. Accurate as of the time of the assessor tax roll release but may not reflect the latest sales price code. |
ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_DATE_TRANSFER | String | 8 | The date the property sold to the previous owner as listed on the county tax/assessment roll. Date may reflect a market sale or non-market sale. |
ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_VAL_TRANSFER | String | 10 | Sales price paid by the previous owner of the subject parcel as listed on the county tax/assessment roll. Price may reflect a market sale or non-market sale. |
ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_SALE_CODE | String | 1 | The code indicating the source for the sale price in ASMT_PRIOR_SALE_VAL_TRANSFER field. |
ASMT_LNDR_NAME | String | 40 | The name of the company or individual that holds the mortgage as provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
BLOCK_NUMBER | String | 5 | The block number in which the property is located as indicated in legal reporting. |
LOT_NUMBER | String | 5 | The individual lot(s) which comprise the property. The actual lot number(s) such as in a tract or subdivision as indicated in legal reporting. |
SUBDIVISION | String | 50 | The name of the subdivision, plat, or tract in which the property is located as indicated in legal reporting. |
TRACT_NUMBER | String | 20 | The number of the tract in which the property is located as indicated in legal reporting. |
LEGAL_1 | String | 250 | Narrative legal description of the property as documented by the assessor |
LOT_CODE | String | 2 | Identifies Properties Which Include More Than One Lot Or Partial Lots. (M = multiple, P = portion, MP = multiple with portions) |
LAND_LOT | String | 10 | A Large Portion Or Tract Of Land (Which May Also Encompass Many Individual Blocks Or Lots) In Which The Property Is Located. |
DISTRICT | String | 12 | The District In Which The Property Is Located. Usually A Numeric Code Corresponding To The Literal Name In Legal: City, Municipality, Township. |
LEGAL_UNIT | String | 6 | The subdivision unit number. Common for condominiums, townhomes, etc. Not necessarily the same as the property unit number. |
PHASE_NBR | String | 2 | The Phase Number Of The Subdivision Or Tract Development. |
ASSR_MAP_REF | String | 15 | The map number assigned by the County Assessor; may or may not be the same as either the APN or legal map references. |
CITY_SECTION | String | 70 | The Section Of The City In Which The Property Is Located. |
LEGAL_FULL | String | 392 | Full Legal Description of property (compilation of all legal descriptions). |
LEGAL_SEC_TWP_RNG | String | 30 | Section Township and Range as indicated in the legal reporting |
ZONING | String | 10 | Actual City Zoning, unique to each incorporated area as reported to the County. Please note that it is not always current, nor reported. |
TOWNSHIP | String | 3 | The "township" portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Townships typically run north or south of pre-determined "meridian". Nominally six (U.S. Survey) miles (~9.7 km) on a side. Each 36-square-mile (~93 km2) township is divided into 36 one-square-mile (~2.6 km2) sections. |
RANGE | String | 3 | The "range" portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Ranges typically run east or west of pre-determined "meridian" in six mile intervals. |
SECTION | String | 4 | The "section" portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Sections are 1 square mile one square mile (2.6 square kilometers), containing 640 acres (260 hectares). There are 36 sections making up one survey township on a rectangular grid. |
TAX_RATE_CODE_AREA | String | 18 | This is a county specific code or description that represent the tax entity(s) for which a parcel is taxed. |
TAX_SRC_CODE | String | 1 | Source of Tax Rate Code (T=Tax , A= Assessor) |
TAX_ACCT_NBR | String | 30 | When Provided In The Assessment Files, An Arbitrary Parcel Identifier Usually Assigned By The County Treasurer For Tax Purposes. Sometimes referred to as the Tax Id number |
TAX_YEAR | Integer | smallint | The tax or assessment year for which the taxes were billed. |
TAX_AMOUNT | Integer | int | The Total Tax amount provided by the county or local taxing authority. |
TAX_YEAR_DELINQ | Integer | int | Year when tax amount is delinquent when tax is unpaid after the payment due date |
TAX_EXEMPT_CODES | String | 4 | Tax Exemption code(s) of the property, up to four (4) property tax exemptions. Refer to TAX_EXEMPT_CODES_DESC for corresponding description. |
TAX_EXEMPT_CODES_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the TAX_EXEMPT_CODES field. |
CA_HOME_OWNERS_EXEMPT | String | 1 | Indicates whether California Homeowner's Exemption is applicable. |
YR_BLT | Integer | smallint | Year the primary structure on the property was built. |
YR_BLT_EFFECT | Integer | smallint | This is the first year the building was assessed with its current components (e.g., a building is originally constructed in 1960 and a bedroom and bath was added to the building in 1974. The Year Built would be 1960 and the Effective Year Built would be 1974 |
BLDG_NUMBER | Integer | int | Total number of buildings or structures on a single parcel as reported on the assessment roll |
BUILDING_SQFT | Integer | int | The building area of the primary structure on the property. If there are multiple residential units this is primarily the area of the largest residential structure. If the building is comprised of multiple uses (ex: Commercial plus Residential), then the value is typically equal to the residential living area. |
BSMT_1_CODE | String | 2 | Code indicating the type of basement found in the building (e.g., unfinished, partial etc). Refer to BASEMENT_FINISH_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BASEMENT_FINISH_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the BSMT_1_CODE field. |
ELECT_AVAIL_CODE | String | 2 | Total number of elevators/escalators or Y/N indicating presence. Refer to ELECT_AVAIL_CODE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
ELECT_AVAIL_CODE_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the Elect_Avail_Code field. |
BEDROOMS | Integer | int | Count of bedrooms (with closet). Residential only. |
TOTAL_ROOMS | Double | float | Total number of rooms reported on the assessment roll. |
TOTAL_BATHS_CALCULATED | Double | float | Number of full baths plus partial baths. |
TOTAL_BATHS | Double | float | Total count of full and partial bathrooms. Ex. 2 Full Bath + 2 Half Bath = 4 |
PARTIAL_BATHS | String | 2 | The Total Count Of Partial Baths as a whole number. Ex. 1/2 bath and a 3/4 bath = 2 Partial Bath |
AIR_CONDITIONING | String | 3 | Code indicating the type of air conditioning method used to cool the building (e.g., Central, Evaporative). Refer to AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the AIR_CONDITIONING field. |
CONSTRUCTION_CODE | String | 3 | Code indicating the type of construction (e.g., Brick / Concrete etc). Refer to CONSTRUCTION_CODE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
CONSTRUCTION_CODE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the CONSTRUCTION_CODE field. |
EXTERIOR_WALL_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating the type and/or finish of the exterior walls (e.g., Vinyl Siding, Brick Veneer). Refer to EXTERIOR_WALL_DESC field for corresponding description. |
EXTERIOR_WALL_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTERIOR_WALL_TYPE field. |
FIREPLACE_TYPE | String | 3 | Reported differently in counties - can be either the number of fireplaces or a "Y" indicating that a fireplace is present, "N" indicating there is no fireplace, blank is unknown. |
FOUNDATION_TYPE | String | 3 | The code that defines the type of foundation (e.g., Continuous Footing, Pier, Mud Sill). Refer to FOUNDATION_TYPE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
FOUNDATION_TYPE_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the FOUNDATION_TYPE field. |
GARAGE_CARPORT_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating type of garage or carport present (e.g., Attached Finished, Enclosed Carport, Basement Garage). Refer to GARAGE_CODE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
GARAGE_CODE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the GARAGE_CARPORT_TYPE field. |
HEATING_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating type of fuel used for heating of water and building (e.g., Electric, Centrial, Solar, Propane). Refer to HEATING_DESC field for corresponding description. |
HEATING_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the HEATING_TYPE field. |
PARKING_SPACES | Integer | int | Total number of parking spaces or car capacity associated with the garage or parking area. |
POOL_INDICATOR | String | 1 | Code indicating type of pool on the property (e.g., Above Ground, In Ground, Spa). Refer to POOL_INDICATOR_DESC field for corresponding description. |
POOL_INDICATOR_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the POOL_INDICATOR field. |
ROOF_COVER_TYPE | String | 3 | Code indicating the type of roof covering (e.g., Clay Tile, Aluminum, Shake). Refer to ROOF_COVER_DESC field for corresponding description. |
ROOF_COVER_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the ROOF_COVER_TYPE field. |
STORIES_NUMBER | String | 10 | Code indicating the number of stories of the main structure on the property. Refer to STORIES_NUMBER_DESC for corresponding description. |
STORIES_NUMBER_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the STORIES_NUMBER field. |
STYLE_TYPE | String | 3 | Code Indicating type of building style (e.g., Colonial, Cape Code, Bungalow). Refer to STYLE_DESC field for corresponding description. |
STYLE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the STYLE_TYPE field. |
UNITS_NUMBER | Integer | int | Number of units reported on the assessment roll. Primarily used for reporting of apartment buildings. |
BLDG_CLASS | String | 1 | Fire Insurance Building Classification Code used for Commercial/Industrial buildings. Refer to BLDG_CLASS_DESC for corresponding description. |
BLDG_CLASS_DESC | String | 8000 | Description of the BLDG_CLASS field. |
BUILDING_QUALITY | String | 2 | A code reflecting the quality of a building. Usually comes as a grade from the county. |
FLOOR_COVER | String | 2 | A code reflecting the type of flooring used in improvements on the property. Refer to the FLOOR_COVER_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
FLOOR_COVER_DESC | String | 60 | Description for the FLOOR_COVER field. |
PLUMBING_FIXTURES | Integer | smallint | This is a numerical field identifying the number of plumbing features reported by the county assessor in the primary building/improvement on the property. |
HEATING_FUEL_TYPE | String | 1 | Code for type of heating fuel. Refer to the HEATING_FUEL_TYPE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
HEATING_FUEL_TYPE_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the HEATING_FUEL_TYPE field. |
AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE | String | 1 | A code describing the type of air conditioning. Some counties may also provide an air conditioning method or system. Refer to the AIR_CONDITIONING_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
AIR_CONDITIONING_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the AIR_CONDITIONING_TYPE field. |
INTERIOR_WALLS | String | 1 | A code reflecting the composition of the interior walls. Refer to the INTERIOR_WALLS_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
INTERIOR_WALLS_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the INTERIOR_WALLS field. |
BLDG_AREA_1 | Integer | int | The area associated with the building1 indicator - This field is not standardized and therefore the data is not easily consumable. |
BLDG_AREA_1_INDICATOR | String | 2 | Indicates area of structure associated with the associated building 1 area (EX 1st floor, attic , porch etc).Refer to BLDG_AREA_1_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BLDG_AREA_1_DESC | String | 8000 | Description for BLDG_AREA_1_INDICATOR field. |
BLDG_AREA_2 | Integer | int | The area associated with the building 2 indicator This field is not standardized and therefore the data is not easily consumable. |
BLDG_AREA_2_INDICATOR | String | 2 | Indicates area of structure associated with the associated building 2 area (EX 1st floor, attic , porch etc).Refer to BLDG_AREA_2_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BLDG_AREA_2_DESC | String | 8000 | Description for BLDG_AREA_2_INDICATOR field. |
BLDG_AREA_3 | Integer | int | The area associated with the building 3 indicator This field is not standardized and therefore the data is not easily consumable. |
BLDG_AREA_3_INDICATOR | String | 2 | Indicates area of structure associated with the associated building 3 area (EX 1st floor, attic , porch etc).Refer to BLDG_AREA_3_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BLDG_AREA_3_DESC | String | 8000 | Description for BLDG_AREA_3_INDICATOR field. |
BLDG_AREA_4 | Integer | int | The area associated with the building 4 indicator This field is not standardized and therefore the data is not easily consumable. |
BLDG_AREA_4_INDICATOR | String | 2 | Indicates area of structure associated with the associated building 4 area (EX 1st floor, attic , porch etc).Refer to BLDG_AREA_4_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BLDG_AREA_4_DESC | String | 8000 | Description for BLDG_AREA_4_INDICATOR field. |
BLDG_AREA_5 | Integer | int | The area associated with the building 5 indicator This field is not standardized and therefore the data is not easily consumable. |
BLDG_AREA_5_INDICATOR | String | 2 | Indicates area of structure associated with the associated building 5 area (EX 1st floor, attic , porch etc).Refer to BLDG_AREA_5_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BLDG_AREA_5_DESC | String | 8000 | Description for BLDG_AREA_5_INDICATOR field. |
BLDG_AREA_6 | Integer | int | The area associated with the building 6 indicator This field is not standardized and therefore the data is not easily consumable. |
BLDG_AREA_6_INDICATOR | String | 2 | Indicates area of structure associated with the associated building 6 area (EX 1st floor, attic , porch etc).Refer to BLDG_AREA_6_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BLDG_AREA_6_DESC | String | 8000 | Description for BLDG_AREA_6_INDICATOR field. |
BLDG_AREA_7 | Integer | int | The area associated with the building 7 indicator This field is not standardized and therefore the data is not easily consumable. |
BLDG_AREA_7_INDICATOR | String | 2 | Indicates area of structure associated with the associated building 7 area (EX 1st floor, attic , porch etc).Refer to BLDG_AREA_7_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BLDG_AREA_7_DESC | String | 8000 | Description for BLDG_AREA_7_INDICATOR field. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1 | String | 15 | Identifies school and/or tax districts. These fields will be used in different ways, depending on the data provided by the county. If the county provides three or fewer districts, the School/Tax District field will contain the name or description of the district, and an identifying code will move to School/Tax District Indicator. If there are multiple districts, as in many Texas counties, as many districts as possible will move to the three school/tax district fields. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_IND | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of tax district in SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1 field. Refer to the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_1_IND field. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2 | String | 15 | Identifies school and/or tax districts. These fields will be used in different ways, depending on the data provided by the county. If the county provides three or fewer districts, the School/Tax District field will contain the name or description of the district, and an identifying code will move to School/Tax District Indicator. If there are multiple districts, as in many Texas counties, as many districts as possible will move to the three school/tax district fields. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_IND | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of tax district in SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2 field. Refer to the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_2_IND field. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3 | String | 15 | Identifies school and/or tax districts. These fields will be used in different ways, depending on the data provided by the county. If the county provides three or fewer districts, the School/Tax District field will contain the name or description of the district, and an identifying code will move to School/Tax District Indicator. If there are multiple districts, as in many Texas counties, as many districts as possible will move to the three school/tax district fields. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_IND | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of tax district in SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3 field. Refer to the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the SCHOOL_TAX_DIST_3_IND field. |
SITE_INFLUENCE | String | 2 | A code identifying the features or characteristics of a location which might influence the value or desirability of a parcel, such as waterfront or traffic patterns. The field can contain up to two codes. Refer to the SITE_INFLUENCE_DESCRIPTION field for the corresponding description. |
SITE_INFLUENCE_DESCRIPTION | String | 100 | Describes the features/characteristics of location |
AMENITIES | String | 5 | A code identifying the extra selling features that add to the value of property, such as a tennis court or golf course. This data is provided by the county, but typically does not indicate the size of the Amenity. This field can contain up to five codes. Refer to the AMENITIES_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
AMENITIES_DESC | String | 200 | Description of the AMENITIES field. |
AMENITIES_2 | String | 5 | A code identifying the extra selling features that add to the value of property, such as a tennis court or golf course. This data is provided by the county, but typically does not indicate the size of the Amenity. This field can contain up to five codes. Refer to the AMENITIES_2_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
AMENITIES_2_DESC | String | 200 | Description of the AMENITIES_2 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_1 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_1_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_1_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_1 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_2 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_2_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_2_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_2 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_3 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_3_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_3_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_3 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_4 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_4_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_4_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_4 field. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_5 | String | 2 | These fields are defined as buildings not attached to the main building/house and other improvements as designated including: Wood Deck, Patio Screened, Patio, Pool Size and Loading Platform. The size or measurement of these will be indicated in Other Impr Bldg Area 1-5 when provided by the county. Refer to the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_5_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_5_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_IND_5 field. |
NEIGHBORHOOD_CODE | String | 9 | A code indicating the neighborhood or geographic area of a parcel. This is a county-provided code. |
CONDO_PROJECT_BUILDING_NAME | String | 20 | The name of a condominium building or complex and/or building name or complex. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1 | String | 9 | Contains the measurements of their respective Buildings and Improvements described in Other Impr Bldg Ind 1-5. Can be dimensions or SQFT. |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_1_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_2_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_3_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_4_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5 | String | 9 | See description for Other_Impr_Building_Area_1 |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | Carries over value from OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5 if field shows dimensions (LXW) |
OTHER_IMPR_BLDG_AREA_5_SQFT | Double | float | Improvement SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
OTHER_ROOMS | String | 5 | A code indicating the rooms within the main building/house, if provided by the county. You can move up to five (5) codes per parcel. Refer to the OTHER_ROOMS_DESC field for the corresponding description(s). |
OTHER_ROOMS_DESC | String | 150 | Description of the OTHER_ROOMS field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1 | String | 9 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_1_IND field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2 | String | 2 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_DIMENSIONS | String | 50 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_2_IND field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3 | String | 9 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_3_IND field. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4 | String | 9 | Allows for identifying areas for up to 4 extra features, such as driveways, fences, paving. An exterior feature potentially adds value to the property, but is NOT a building or attribute that has been designated under Other Buildings/Improvements. The area of the feature moves to Extra Features Area, expressed in square feet and/or dimensions, and a one or two-digit code describing the feature moves to Extra Features Area Indicator. It is not necessary for this field to be populated to populate the Indicator fields. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_DIMENSIONS | String | 9 | A value carried over from EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4 if field shows dimensions (LXW). |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_SQFT | Double | float | Extra feature SQFT either from supplied value or by multiplying L X W from dimensions |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_IND | String | 2 | A one or two-digit code describing the extra feature. The first byte represents the feature (driveway, fence, paving) and the 2nd byte, if present, indicates the specific type of feature. It is possible for this field to be populated and not the corresponding Extra Features dimensions fields. Refer to the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the EXTRA_FEATURES_AREA_4_IND field. |
ROOF_TYPE | String | 1 | A code describing the architectural style of the roof (gable, mansard, etc). Refer to the ROOF_TYPE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
ROOF_TYPE_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the ROOF_TYPE field. |
BUILDING_CONDITION | String | 1 | Additional information regarding a parcel. This information may come from a comments field provided by the county or can be information added by the analyst. If Duplicate parcels are present, this field contains a Summary of multiple building records and should contain the Improvement # and any available physical characteristics. Refer to the BUILDING_CONDITION_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BUILDING_CONDITION_DESC | String | 50 | Describes the BUILDING_CONDITION field. |
WATER | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of water system for the property. Refer to the WATER_CODE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
WATER_CODE_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the WATER field. |
SEWER | String | 1 | A code indicating the type of waste disposal/sewage system for the property. Refer to the SEWER_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
SEWER_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the SEWER field. |
BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR | String | 1 | Identifies the value moved to BUILDING AREA [86]. Some examples are living area, basement area, 1st floor area. When a county provides multiple areas, the preferred value to move to BUILDING AREA [86] is Living Area. Refer to the BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR_DESC | String | 50 | Description for the BUILDING_AREA_INDICATOR field. |
ASMT_MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME_INDICATOR | String | 1 | Indicates the predominate pattern of names for Mail Care-Of Name as reported by the assessor |
ASMT_MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME_TYPE | String | 1 | Indicate whether the care of Names associated with a parcel as reported by the assessor are individuals, businesses, or government |
ASMT_MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME | String | 60 | Care of name (C/O) in the property mailing address recorded by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
ASMT_MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 7 | House number portion of the site mailing address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. (e.g. "125" in 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Directional Prefix portion of the property address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release (e.g. "N" in N 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | Street name portion of the property address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release (e.g. "Main" in 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_MODE | String | 2 | Street name suffix portion of the property address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release . (e.g. "St" in 125 Main St) |
ASMT_MAIL_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Street name mode portion of the mailing address as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. (e.g. "E" in 125 Main St E) |
ASMT_MAIL_CARRIER_CODE | String | 4 | This is the four digit code as reported by the taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. Used by the local mail carrier to identify the delivery (e.g. "R103") |
ASMT_OWNER_OCCUPIED | String | 1 | Indicates if the property is occupied by the owner. Y-Owner-occupied property (SFR/Condo) O-Owner-occupied property (Non-Residential), no longer in use (refer to code Y or B) B-Probable owner-occupied property - no property address and mailing address within County. (Improved Residential) |
GEOMETRY_SOURCE | String | 24 | Indicates method use to geocode property point location |
LATITUDE | Double | float | Latitude |
LONGITUDE | Double | float | Longitude |
GEOMETRY | Geometry | Geometry | Point geometry of the property location |
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