Parcels Documentation
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    Parcels Documentation

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    Article summary


    Use the Parcel API when you are working with property boundaries and associated attribution. 

    OAS 3.1 Specification


    • Common Ownership - Common ownership is defined as adjacent parcels, that can be across the street, which has a common owner. The Parcel API response will carry the common ownership county and as an API endpoint that allows you to retrieve all the parcels in a common ownership group. A companion to the common owner field is aggregated lot size. You can find these referenced in the related object.
    • Associated Property Count - There are times when the parcel has multiple owners attached such as when the parcel makes up a condo complex or a mobile home park. In this scenario, there are many assessment records related to this parcel. The associated property count will let you know that there is more than 1 assessment related to this record and return the total count.  There is an endpoint on our Assessment API that will return all related records based on the LightBox Parcel 'ID.'
    • The ability to style parcel boundaries, color, fill, weight, and opacity. This allows you to apply your brand to the display of parcel boundaries within a mapping experience.


    The LightBox APIs are hosted in the cloud and therefore have no platform requirements. Application requirements include:
    • A network connection to the LightBox API server
    • Ability to parse JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) API responses
    • Secure HTTPS connection
    • LightBox authentication key
    • LightBox authentication key

    Connecting your account

    When your LightBox user account is created, a unique API key is also generated. The API key should be kept secret at all times and can only be used for API requests. The key is required in all API calls.

    To retrieve your unique API key:

    • Log in to the LightBox Developer Portal 
    • Select Apps from the menu bar
    • In your approved App, note your API key (under Consumer Key)

    Performing API requests

    All API requests must be made over secure HTTPS connections. Requests made over HTTP will fail.

    The base URL of the API server that all API requests will be made to is: followed by a version number


    LightBox APIs uses a token-based authentication. All requests to the LightBox APIs must be authenticated. The token to be passed via an HTTP header with key 'x-api-key' and value <Your authentication token>

    Pass your unique API key in the authorization header of every LightBox API call.  LightBox uses this information to authenticate your identify and determine whether you have sufficient permissions to complete the operation. curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’

    API Requests

    Query by Geometry

    Query for parcel records based on a geometry represented as a well-known text (WKT) string.

    • POINT(-122.40317865990883 45.585729937697515)
    • LINESTRING (-122.40581795357949 45.58497908445598,-122.40325376176125 45.58627054581282)
    • POLYGON ((-122.4032877944377 45.58629457984625,-122.40264406427413 45.585697658341736,-122.40184476598769 45.58610686936547,-122.40244558080703 45.586688769812724,-122.4032877944377 45.58629457984625))

    GET /parcels/{countryCode}/geometry

    Pro Tip:
    This endpoint is best used when you have an existing latitude longitude from 3rd party geocoder, or using the value of a map click/identify from a standard map control.

    Example requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’


    countryCodepathISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'US' for the United States).required
    wktqueryThe geometry of the location is expressed in WKT format.required
    bufferDistancequeryBuffer distance expressed in 'bufferUnits'.optional
    bufferUnitqueryThe unit type to apply to the buffer (eg m, km, ft, mi)optional
    limitqueryLimit the number of records returned. Used in pagination along with offset to page through a large result set.optional
    Offset from the first record (0). Used in pagination along with limit to page through a large result set.


    Media type: application/JSON

    Query by Geometry and Filter

    Query for parcel records based on a geometry represented as a well-known text (WKT) string and a filter

    • POINT(-122.40317865990883 45.585729937697515)
    • LINESTRING (-122.40581795357949 45.58497908445598,-122.40325376176125 45.58627054581282)
    • POLYGON ((-122.4032877944377 45.58629457984625,-122.40264406427413 45.585697658341736,-122.40184476598769 45.58610686936547,-122.40244558080703 45.586688769812724,-122.4032877944377 45.58629457984625))

    POST /parcels/us/geometry

    Pro Tip:
    This endpoint is best used when you have an existing latitude longitude from 3rd party geocoder, or using the value of a map click/identify from a standard map control.

    Example requests

    curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "wkt": "POINT(-117.852723 33.63799)", "bufferDistance": 50, "bufferUnit": "ft", "limit": 100, "offset": 1000, "filter": "filter landUse_normalized_description = '\''PROFESSIONAL BLDG'\''" }'

    Request Body

      "wkt": "POINT(-117.852723 33.63799)",
      "bufferDistance": 50,
      "bufferUnit": "ft",
      "limit": 100,
      "offset": 1000,
      "filter": "filter landUse_normalized_description = 'PROFESSIONAL BLDG'"


    Media type: application/JSON

    Query By Address

    Query parcels by address.

    GET /parcels/address

    Pro Tip:
    You can use this endpoint as a one request vs a double request first to the Geocoder then to Parcels based on the LightBox Parcel ID. Keep in mind that if the address entered is not related to a parcel then you will receive a 404 Not Found HTTP Response

     Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’


    textqueryComplete address stringrequired


    Media type: application/JSON

    Query by APN and FIPS

    Query for a parcel using a FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code and APN (Assessor's Parcel Number).

    GET /parcels/us/fips/{fips}/apn/{apn}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’


    fipspathThe five-digit FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code for the county that the property is located within (e.g., '06059').required
    apnpathThe APN (Assessor's Parcel Number) for a property (e.g., 120-591-02).required


    Media type: application/JSON

    Query by LightBox ID

    Query parcels using the LightBox Parcel 'ID.'

    GET /parcels/{countryCode}/{id}

    Pro Tip:
    • Most all of our endpoints end with a single path parameter of ID. When the LightBox ID is supported then it is that ID, but for some resources, the ID could be a fips code as it is for county, or a state abbreviation as it is with state. 
    • LightBox IDs are also returned from many resources. Geocoding is a great example that will return the LightBox ID for Parcel, Structure, and Assessment. 

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’


    idpathParcel LightBox ID required
    countryCodepathISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'US' for the United States).required


    Media type: application/JSON

    Query for adjacent parcels

    Query for adjacent parcels to the parcel noted by the parcel LightBox 'ID.' Alternately pass in commonOwnership=true and get only the parcels adjacent to this parcel that have common ownership.

    GET /parcels/_adjacent/{countryCode}/{id}

    Pro Tip:
    One problem working with parcel data is that many times a commercial property is made up of multiple parcels. Using the commonOwnership flag will return all parcels that have common ownership. While not 100% reliable, as two completely different properties owned by the same owner can be next to each other, a vast majority of the time this will return a full property profile of a target site.

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’

    CommonOnwership = true

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ 


    idpathParcel LightBox ID required
    countryCodepathISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'US' for the United States).required
    commonOwnershipqueryFlag to only return parcels that are adjacent and have the same ownership. (true, false)optional


    Media type: application/JSON

    Parcel by LightBox Structure ID

    Return parcels that contain the structure identified by the LightBox Structure 'ID.'

    GET /parcels/_on/structure/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’

    idpathstructure LightBox ID required


    Media type: application/JSON

    Parcel by LightBox Address ID

    Return parcels that contain the address identified by the LightBox Address 'ID.'

    GET /parcels/_on/address/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’

    idpathAddress LightBox ID required


    Media type: application/json

    Parcel by LightBox Assessment ID

    Return parcels that contain the assessment identified by the LightBox Assessment 'ID.'

    GET /parcels/_on/assessment/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’

    idpathAn Assessment LightBox ID required


    Media type: application/JSON

    Parcel by LightBox LocationInfo ID

    Return parcels that contain the LocationInfo object identified by the LightBox LocationInfo 'ID.'

    GET /parcels/_on/locationinfo/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’

    idpathLocationInfo LightBox ID required


    Media type: application/JSON

    Parcels by LightBox Site ID

    Return parcels that contain the site object identified by the LightBox Site 'ID.'

    GET /parcels/_on/site/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’

    idpathSite LightBox ID required


    Media type: application/JSON

    Parcel Tile Endpoint

    Use within common map controls to show parcel boundaries as a tile overlay

    GET /parcels/{countryCode}/tile/{zoom}/{x}/{y}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’


    countryCodepathISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'us' for the United States).required
    zoompathTile zoom level, which can be a minimum of '10' and a maximum or '21.'required
    xpathTile column.required
    ypathTile row.required
    colorqueryLine color is represented in RGB format.optional
    fillqueryFill color represented in RGB format.optional
    weightqueryLine weight is represented in a numbers 1-10 with 1 being thin and 10 being thick.optional
    opacityqueryFill color opacity values 0-100 with 0 being transparent and 100 being opaque. optional
    idqueryThis parameter allows you to pass in a LightBox Parcel ID or ids separated by a comma so that only those parcels are displayed. optional
    Pro Tip: 
    Using the query parameter id allows you to isolate a single record to be displayed. This is typically used to mimic a highlight event by adding an additional tile layer on a map control with a single record isolated and displayed in a different color. 


    Media type: image/png

    Parcel Tile Bounding Box Endpoint

    Use within common map controls to show parcel boundaries as a bounding box overlay

    GET /parcels/{countryCode}/tile

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’,40.0198659375,-83.04070793749999,40.0226240625&width=600&height=600,40.0198659375,-83.04070793749999,40.0226240625&width=600&height=600


    countryCodepathISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'us' for the United States).required
    bboxqueryA bounding box expressed in the NAD83 projected coordinate system.required
    widthqueryWidth of the resulting imagerequired
    heightqueryHeight of the resulting imagerequired
    colorqueryLine color is represented in RGB format.optional
    fillqueryFill color represented in RGB format.optional
    weightqueryLine weight is represented in a numbers 1-10 with 1 being thin and 10 being thick.optional
    opacityqueryFill color opacity values 0-100 with 0 being transparent and 100 being opaque. optional
    idqueryThis parameter allows you to pass in a LightBox Parcel ID or IDs separated by a comma so that only those parcels are displayed. optional


    Media type: image/png

    Parcel WMS Endpoint

    Use within mapping systems that support OGC WMS Standard

    GET /wms/parcels/us?apikey={your api key}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’{your API key}{your API key}


    apikeyqueryYour LightBox API Authenticationrequired


    Media type: XML/JSON/image 

    API Response

    For each endpoint other than the tile requests the response will stay consistent. 

      "$ref": "string",
      "$metadata": {
        "currency": {
          "code": "AED"
        "geogcs": {
          "epsg": "4326"
        "units": {
          "length": "ft",
          "area": "sqft"
        "recordSet": {
          "totalRecords": 99,
          "bbox": {
            "xMax": -105.250409,
            "xMin": -105.251916,
            "yMax": 40.023629,
            "yMin": 40.022576
      "parcels": [
          "$ref": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "parcelApn": "string",
          "fips": "string",
          "structures": [
              "$ref": "string",
              "id": "string"
          "$metadata": {
            "geocode": {
              "confidence": {
                "streetNumber": 1,
                "streetName": 1,
                "locality": 1,
                "postalCode": 1,
                "score": 1
              "precisionCode": "10"
          "cbsa": {
            "code": "string"
          "census": {
            "tract": "string",
            "blockGroup": "string"
          "landUse": {
            "code": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "normalized": {
              "code": "string",
              "description": "string",
              "categoryDescription": "string"
          "lastLoan": {
            "recordingDate": "string",
            "dueDate": "string",
            "lender": "string",
            "value": 0,
            "transactionId": "string",
            "interestRates": [
                "code": "ADJ",
                "descripton": "ADJUSTABLE",
                "rate": 0
          "transaction": {
            "lastMarketSale": {
              "pricePerArea": 0,
              "value": 0,
              "seller": "string",
              "buyer": "string",
              "filingDate": "string",
              "transferDate": "string",
              "documentNumber": "string",
              "documentTypeCode": "AA",
              "documentTypeDescription": "Assignment of Sub Agreement of Sale (Hawaii)",
              "lender": "string",
              "loan": {
                "code": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "first": 0,
                "second": 0
              "saleCode": "string",
              "saleCodeDescription": "string",
              "titleCompany": "string",
              "tdDocumentNumber": "string",
              "deedTransactionType": "string",
              "lenderType": "string"
            "priorMarketSale": {
              "transferDate": "string",
              "lender": "string"
            "multipleApnFlag": "string"
          "legalDescription": [
          "location": {
            "representativePoint": {
              "longitude": 0,
              "latitude": 0,
              "geometry": {
                "wkt": "string"
            "geometry": {
              "wkt": "string"
          "occupant": {
            "owner": true,
            "company": true
          "owner": {
            "streetAddress": "string",
            "locality": "string",
            "regionCode": "AL",
            "postalCode": "string",
            "postalCodeExt": "string",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "ownerNameStd": "string",
            "ownershipStatus": {
              "code": "AB",
              "description": "Alternate Beneficiary"
            "names": [
                "fullName": "string",
                "firstName": "string",
                "middleName": "string",
                "lastName": "string"
          "related": {
            "commonOwnership": {
              "aggregateLotSize": 0,
              "id": "string",
              "count": 0,
              "subdivision": "string",
              "lotWidthMedian": 0,
              "lotWidthSummary": "string"
            "associatePropertyCount": 0
          "derived": {
            "calculatedLotArea": 0
          "topography": "A",
          "tax": {
            "year": 0,
            "yearDelinquent": 0,
            "amount": 0,
            "taxRateAreaCode": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "taxAccountNumber": "string",
            "exemption": "Agricultural"
          "opportunityZone": "string",
          "county": "string",
          "usplss": {
            "township": "string",
            "range": "string",
            "section": "string",
            "quarter": "string"
          "neighborhood": "string",
          "subdivision": "string",
          "structures" : [
                 "$ref": "",
                "id": "0503NRC6LE569C06ZL62IB",
                "isPrimary": true
          "assessment": {
            "alternateApn": "string",
            "apn": "string",
            "assessedValue": {
              "total": 0,
              "land": 0,
              "improvements": 0,
              "year": "string"
            "marketValue": {
              "total": 0,
              "land": 0,
              "improvements": 0,
              "year": "string"
            "improvementPercent": 0,
            "lotSize": 0,
            "lot": {
              "lotNumber": "string",
              "blockNumber": "string",
              "depth": 0,
              "width": 0,
              "size": 0
            "poolIndicator": "A",
            "zoning": {
              "assessment": "string"
            "book": "string",
            "page": "string"

    Field Dictionary

    parcelApnstringUnique parcel APN (Assessor's Parcel Number) derived from the parcel geometry. Note: This may differ from the unique APN derived from the tax assessor.
    fipsstringFederal Information Processing Code for the State, as well as the Federal Information Processing Code for the county. The first two digits are the state code and the last three digits are the county code.
    cbsa.codestringThe Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) within which the property is contained
    census.tractstringThe census tract within which the property is contained. The census tract is a geographical subdivision of a county used by the United States Census Bureau.
    census.blockGroupstringThe census block group within which the parcel is contained. The census block group is a geographical subdivision of a census tract used by the United States Census Bureau.
    landUse.codestringLocal/municipal use code for the property.
    landUse.descriptionstringDescription of the Local/municipal use code for the property in 'code'.
    landUse.normalized.codestringStandardized land use code.
    landUse.normalized.descriptionstringDescription of the standardized land use code.
    landUse.normalized.categoryDescriptionstringThe category of the standardized land use code.
    lastLoan.recordingDatestringThe date of the loan recorded document.
    lastLoan.dueDatestringThe date the concurrent trust deed will be paid in full.
    lastLoan.lenderstringThe lender name of the first mortgage as depicted on the recorded document.
    lastLoan.valuefloatThe amount of the first mortgage as depicted on the rcorded document.
    lastLoan.transactionIdstringLoan transaction ID.
    lastLoan.interestRates.codestringInterest Rate Code.
    lastLoan.interestRates.descriptionstringInterest rate type description.
    Interest rate associated with the first lien position from the latest market sale. (add decimal two digits from end to arrive at percentage: EX: 1250 = 12.50 %)
    transaction.lastMarketSale.pricePerAreafloatProperty price per area calculated by leveraging the latest market sale price and assessed area of the property.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.valuefloatValue of the last market sale.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.sellerstringSeller's name in the last market sale.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.buyerstringBuyer's name in the last market sale.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.filingDatedateFiling date of the last market sale.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.transferDatedateTransfer date (sale date) of the last market sale.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.documentNumberstringThe document number used to record the last market sale.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.documentTypeCodestringStandardized document type code.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.documentTypeDescriptionstringDescription of the standardized document type code.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.lenderstringThe lender name of the last market sale's first loan. indicating the type of loan, if able to determine from the recorded document. of the type of loan, if able to determine from the recorded document. amount of the first mortgage as depicted on the recorded document. amount of the second mortgage (concurrent) as depicted on the recorded document.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.saleCodestringThe code indicating the methodology used to determine the sale price.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.saleCodeDescriptionstringDescription of the methodology used to determine the sale price.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.titleCompanystringThe name of the title company which issues the certificate of title insurance.  If more than one title company name is reported on the document, this field will report 'Multiple' versus an actual title company name.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.tdDocumentNumberstringThe trust deed document number assigned to the Concurrent mortgage at the time of recording.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.deedTransactionTypestringCode indicating the type of lender associated with the last market  sale of the property.
    transaction.lastMarketSale.lenderTypestringCode indicating the type of lender associated with the last market  sale of the property.
    transaction.priorMarketSale.transferDatedateThe date the property was sold to the previous owner. Date reflects market sale transaction only.
    transaction.priorMarketSale.lenderstringLender name associated with the previous market sale.
    legalDescriptionstring[]Narrative description of the property as documented by the assessor.
    location.streetAddressstringStreet address, which comprises street name, street directional prefix, street number, street suffix, unit type, and unit number (e.g., '125 Main Street S Unit 5').
    location.localitystringThe city portion of the address(e.g., CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DENVER, etc.).
    location.regionCodestringThe two-letter state code of the address(e.g., CA, NV, WA, etc.).
    location.postalCodestringPostal Code portion of the address (e.g., 92675).
    location.postalCodeExtstringThe four-digit code of the address. Also referred to as the 'plus 4 code' and the 'add on code.' Used by the US Postal Service to identify a geographic segment within a five-digit postal ZIP code (e.g., 5437).
    location.countryCodestringISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'US' for the United States).
    location.representativePoint.longitudestringA geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface, or the surface of a celestial body.
    location.representativePoint.latitudestringA geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface, or the surface of a celestial body.
    location.representativePoint.geometry.wktstringThe geometry of the location expressed in WKT (well-known text) format.
    location.geometrystringThe geometry of the location expressed in WKT (well-known text) format.
    occupant.ownerstringIndicates whether the property is occupied by the owner.
    occupant.companystringIndicates if the property is occupied by a company.
    owner.streetAddressstringStreet address, which comprises street name, street directional prefix, street number, street suffix, unit type, and unit number (e.g., '125 Main Street S Unit 5').
    owner.localitystringThe city portion of the address(e.g., CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DENVER, etc.).
    owner.regionCodestringThe two-letter state code of the address(e.g., CA, NV, WA, etc.).
    owner.postalCodestringPostal Code portion of the address (e.g., 92675).
    owner.postalCodeExtstringThe four-digit code of the address. Also referred to as the 'plus 4 code' and the 'add on code.' Used by the US Postal Service to identify a geographic segment within a five-digit postal ZIP code (e.g., 5437).
    owner.countryCodestringISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'US' for the United States).
    owner.ownerNameStdstringStandardized Owner Name.
    owner.ownershipStatus.codestringOwnership status code for the last sale of a property.
    owner.ownershipStatus.descriptionstringOwnership status description for the last sale of a property.
    owner.names.fullNamestringOwner full name.
    owner.names.firstNamestringOwner first name.
    owner.names.middleNamestringOwner middle name.
    owner.names.lastNamestringOwner last name.
    related.adjacentOwnership.aggregateLotSizenumberSum of lot acreage owned by the same ownership entity, within a single county extent.
    related.adjacentOwnership.idstringID indicating the grouping (ownership) of parcels for a single owner. Ownership identified by a proprietary model that leverages both owner name and owner address. Parcels are identified within 300ft of adjacency, within a single county extent.
    related.adjacentOwnership.countnumberThe number of parcels owned by the same ownership entity within a single county extent.
    related.adjacentOwnership.subdivisionstringLot subdivision of the aggregated owner group.
    related.adjacentOwnership.lotWidthMediannumberMedian lot width of all parcels within the aggregated owner group.
    related.adjacentOwnership.lotWidthSummarystringLot width summary of all parcels within the aggregated owner group.
    related.associatePropertyCountnumberThe count of properties that are associated with this parcel.
    derived.calculatedLotAreafloatThe size of the parcel, derived from the parcel geometry.
    topographystringCode representing the physical (including man-made) or natural features of the land.
    AAbove street level
    BBelow street level
    ELevel grade
    HHigh elevation
    LLow Elevation

    tax.yearnumberThe tax or assessment year for which the taxes were billed. Could be null due to land not being taxable.
    tax.yearDelinquentnumberYear when tax amount is delinquent when tax is unpaid after the payment due date.
    tax.amountnumberThe total tax amount provided by the county or local taxing authority. Could be null due to land not being taxable.
    tax.taxRateAreaCodestringThis is a county specific code or description that represent the tax entity(s) for which a property is taxed.
    tax.idnullField no longer used and will always null. 
    tax.taxAccountNumberstringTax account number.
    tax.exemptionstringTax exemption description.
    opportunityZonestringIndicates if the property is within a qualitified Opportunity Zone.
    countystringCounty in which the property is located.
    usPLSS.townshipstringThe 'township' portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Townships typically run north or south of a pre-determined 'meridian.'  Nominally six (U.S. Survey) miles (~9.7 km) on a side. Each 36-square-mile (~93 km2) township is divided into 36 one-square-mile (~2.6 km2) sections.
    usPLSS.rangestringThe 'range' portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Ranges typically run east or west of a pre-determined 'meridian' in six mile intervals.
    usPLSS.sectionstringThe 'section' portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Sections are one square mile (2.6 square kilometers), containing 640 acres (260 hectares). There are 36 sections making up one survey township on a rectangular grid.
    usPLSS.quarterstringThe 'quarter' portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Quarters are a one-sixteenth division and contain 160 acres.
    neighborhoodstringNeighborhood in which the property is located.
    subdivisionstringSubdivision in which the property is located.
    structures[].$refstringAPI reference to a related structure
    stringLightBox structure id that identifies the related structure
    booleanisPrimary identifies if this structure is the primary structure on this parcel
    assessment.alternateApnstringDeprecated or historical APN (Assessor's Parcel Number) as inventoried by the tax assessor.
    assessment.apnstring"Tax Assessor's Parcel Number (APN).
    assessment.assessedValue.totalfloatTotal value.
    assessment.assessedValue.landfloatTotal land value.
    assessment.assessedValue.improvementsfloatTotal improvements value.
    assessment.assessedValue.yearstringYear in which value is determined.
    assessment.marketValue.totalfloatTotal value.
    assessment.marketValue.landfloatTotal land value.
    assessment.marketValue.improvementsfloatTotal improvements value.
    assessment.marketValue.yearstringYear in which value is determined.
    assessment.lot.sizefloatLot size as reported by the assessor.
    The individual lot(s) which comprise the property. The actual lot number(s), such as in a tract or subdivision.
    The legal block.
    assessment.lot.depthfloatThe linear measurement between the front and back of the lot.
    assessment.lot.widthfloatThe linear measurement across the front of the lot, often the side of the property facing the street.
    assessment.lot.lotSizefloatThe size of the property, Derived from the assessment record when possible, otherwise calculated from associated parcel geometry.
    assessment.improvementPercentfloatPercent of the total assessed value from improvements. The improvement value divided by the total assessed value is the percentage value.
    assessment.poolIndicationstringCode indicating the type of pool on the property (e.g., above ground, in ground, spa, etc.).
    assessment.buildingLotRationstringBuilding to lot ration.
    assessment.zoning.assessmentstringMunicipality zoning code as collected by the tax assessor. This is unique to each incorporated area as reported by the county assessor.
    assessment.bookstringAssessment / Recorders book.
    assessment.pagestringAssessment / Recorders page.
    assessment.avmstringIndicates multiple or split property sales (e.g., when a sale occurs that includes multiple parcels).

    HTTP Error Codes

    HTTP Response status codes along with a brief summary of their commonly accepted usage. These status codes are returned by LightBox APIs for each request:
    The request succeeded.
    The object was created successfully
    202Accepted, no content
    204Successful, no content
    The server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no additional content to send in the response payload body. Typically returned on a DELETE
    One or more of the request parameters were invalid.
    The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response. Note: This could also be due to your trial key has expired.
    The server cannot find the requested resource. This can also mean that the endpoint is valid but the resource itself does not exist.
    Too many requests were made in a short period of time, or you have exceeded your request-lot pool.
    The server has encountered an error it does not know how to handle.
    503Service Unavailable.

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