FEMA National Risk Index Documentation
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    FEMA National Risk Index Documentation

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    Article summary


    The LightBox FEMA National Risk Index API identifies communities most at risk to 18 natural hazards. This dataset returns natural hazard risk metrics and includes data about expected annual losses from natural hazards, social vulnerability and community resilience. This API measures at a granularity of census tract but also returns county level and state level metrics.

    OAS 3.1 Specification


    • Return a National Risk object by National Risk Index ID
    • Return a National Risk object by geometry WKT
    • Return a National Risk object by LightBox ID
    • Return a National Risk object by Address


    The LightBox APIs are hosted in the cloud and therefore have no platform requirements. Application requirements include:
    • A network connection to the LightBox API server
    • Ability to parse JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) API responses
    • Secure HTTPS connection
    • LightBox authentication key
    • LightBox authentication key

    Connecting your account

    When your LightBox user account is created, a unique API key is also generated. The API key should be kept secret at all times and can only be used for API requests. The key is required in all API calls.

    To retrieve your unique API key:

    • Log in to the LightBox Developer Portal 
    • Select Apps from the menu bar
    • In your approved App, note your API key (under Consumer Key)

    Performing API requests

    All API requests must be made over secure HTTPS connections. Requests made over HTTP will fail.

    The base URL of the API server that all API requests will be made to is: https://api.lightboxre.com/ followed by a version number https://api.lightboxre.com/v1


    LightBox APIs uses a token-based authentication. All requests to the LightBox APIs must be authenticated. The token to be passed via an HTTP header with key 'x-api-key' and value <Your authentication token>

    Pass your unique API key in the authorization header of every LightBox API call.  LightBox uses this information to authenticate your identify and determine whether you have sufficient permissions to complete the operation. curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’  https://api.lightboxre.com/

    API Requests

    Query by Geometry

    Query for national risk index records based on a geometry represented as a well-known text (WKT) string.

    • POINT(-122.40317865990883 45.585729937697515)
    • LINESTRING (-122.40581795357949 45.58497908445598,-122.40325376176125 45.58627054581282)
    • POLYGON ((-122.4032877944377 45.58629457984625,-122.40264406427413 45.585697658341736,-122.40184476598769 45.58610686936547,-122.40244558080703 45.586688769812724,-122.4032877944377 45.58629457984625))

    GET /riskindexes/us/geometry

    Pro Tip:
    This endpoint is best used when you have an existing latitude longitude from 3rd party geocoder, or using the value of a map click/identify from a standard map control.

    Example requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ https://api.lightboxre.com/v1/counties/us/geometry?wkt=POINT%28-117.852723%2033.63799%29&bufferDistance=50&bufferUnit=m



    wktqueryThe geometry of the location expressed in WKT format.required
    bufferDistancequeryBuffer distance expressed in 'bufferUnits'.optional
    bufferUnitqueryThe unit type to apply to the buffer (eg m, km, ft, mi)optional


    Media type: application/json

    Query By Address

    Query National Risk Index objects by address.

    GET /riskindexes/address/search

    Pro Tip:
    You can use this endpoint as a one request vs a double request first to the Geocoder then to the National Risk Index API using the WKT returned from the Geocoding response. Keep in mind that if the address entered is not found you will receive a 404 Not Found HTTP Response

     Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ https://api.lightboxre.com/v1/riskindexes/address/search?text=5201%20California%20Ave%2C%20Irvine%20CA



    textqueryComplete address stringrequired


    Media type: application/json

    Query Risk Index Object Related to a Parcel Record.

    Query Risk Index Object that are related to a parcel using the LightBox Parcel 'ID.'

    GET /riskindexes/_on/parcel/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ https://api.lightboxre.com/v1/riskindexes/_on/parcel/us/0201MABNPDBU5D2EGP08YA



    idpathParcel LightBox ID required


    Media type: application/json

    Query Risk Index Objects Related to a Structure Record.

    Query Risk Index Objects that are related to a structure using the LightBox Structure 'ID.'

    GET /riskindexes/_on/structure/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ https://api.lightboxre.com/v1/riskindexes/_on/structure/us/0500F9G87XG0NEK51ZQHJR



    idpathStructure {{glossary.LightBox ID}}required


    Media type: application/json

    Query Risk Index Objects Related to a Assessment Record.

    Query Risk Index Objects that are related to a assessment record using the LightBox Assessment 'ID.'

    GET /riskindexes/_on/assessment/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ https://api.lightboxre.com/v1/riskindexes/_on/assessment/us/030022BT8WGISNVQJIEW54



    idpathAssessment {{glossary.LightBox ID}};required


    Media type: application/json

    Query Risk Index Objects Related to a Address Record.

    Query Risk Index Objects that are related to a address using the LightBox Address 'ID.'

    GET /riskindexes/_on/address/us/{id}

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ https://api.lightboxre.com/v1/riskindexes/_on/address/us/0606ZGPRLD5KGWFYRD7QH9



    idpathAddress {{glossary.LightBox ID}}required


    Media type: application/json

    Health Check

    Health Check is an endpoint used to determine the health of this service

    GET /riskindexes/health

    Example Requests

    curl -X GET -H ‘x-api-key: (api_key)’ https://api.lightboxre.com/v1/riskindexes/health





    Media type: application/json

    Health Check HTTP Status Codes:

    Status CodeDescription
    200 OK - Service is up and healthy
    503Service is unavailable

    API Response

    For each endpoint other then the tile requests the response will stay consistent. 

      "$ref": "string",
      "$metadata": {
        "geogcs": {
          "epsg": "4326"
      "riskindexes": [
          "$ref": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "version": "21-Nov",
          "fips": "06059",
          "location": {
            "regionCode": "AL",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "representativePoint": {
              "longitude": 0,
              "latitude": 0,
              "geometry": {
                "wkt": "string"
            "geometry": {
              "wkt": "string"
          "state": "California",
          "county": "Orange",
          "census": {
            "code": "001500",
            "geoId": "53027001500"
          "population": 34567,
          "value": {
            "building": 398909000,
            "agriculture": 162047.8
          "score": 83.4,
          "countyScore": 83.4,
          "stateAverageScore": 25.51,
          "nationalAverageScore": 16.91,
          "rating": "Very High",
          "countyRating": "Very High",
          "nationalPercentile": 99.97,
          "statePercentile": 100,
          "expectedAnnualLoss": {
            "score": 83.4,
            "countyScore": 83.4,
            "stateAverageScore": 25.51,
            "nationalAverageScore": 16.91,
            "rating": "Very High",
            "nationalPercentile": 99.97,
            "statePercentile": 100,
            "total": 20476515.39,
            "countyTotal": 20476515.39,
            "value": {
              "building": 398909000,
              "agriculture": 162047.8
            "population": 39060,
            "populationEquivalence": 0
          "socialVulnerability": {
            "score": 0,
            "countyScore": 83.4,
            "stateAverageScore": 25.51,
            "nationalAverageScore": 16.91,
            "rating": "Very High",
            "countyRating": "Very High",
            "nationalPercentile": 99.97,
            "statePercentile": 100,
            "value": 3.394,
            "countyValue": 3.394
          "communityResilience": {
            "score": 0,
            "countyScore": 83.4,
            "stateAverageScore": 25.51,
            "nationalAverageScore": 16.91,
            "rating": "Very High",
            "countyRating": "Very High",
            "nationalPercentile": 99.97,
            "statePercentile": 100,
            "value": 3.394,
            "countyValue": 3.394
          "avalanche": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "coastalFlooding": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "coldWave": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "drought": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "earthquake": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "hail": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "heatWave": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "hurricane": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "iceStorm": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "landslide": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "lightning": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "riverineFlooding": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "strongWind": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "tornado": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "tsunami": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "volcanicActivity": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "wildfire": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"
          "winterWeather": {
            "events": 2,
            "annualizedFrequency": 0.016,
            "exposure": 39000000,
            "annualLoss": {
              "total": 38.3,
              "score": 5.36,
              "rating": "Very High",
              "historicLossRatioTotalRating": "Very High"
            "hazardTypeRiskIndex": {
              "score": 15.2,
              "rating": "Very High"

    Field Dictionary

    versionstringNational Risk Index version.
    fipsstringFederal Information Processing (FIPS) code for the state, as well as the Federal Information Processing code for the county. The first two digits are the state code and the last three digits are the county code.
    Region code based on country code, including USPS Publication 28, Appendix B, for the United NRIs and ISO 3166-2:CA for Canada.
    countryCodestringISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g., 'US' for the United NRIs).
    location.representativePoint.longitudedoubleA geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface, or the surface of a celestial body.
    location.representativePoint.latitudedoubleA geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface, or the surface of a celestial body.
    location.representativePoint.geometry.wktstringThe geometry of the location expressed in WKT (well-known text) format.
    location.geometry.wktstringThe geometry of the location expressed in WKT (well-known text) format.
    location.statestringState name
    location.countystringCounty name
    location.census.codestringCensus Tract Code
    location.census.geoIdstringCensus Tract Geo 'ID.'
    populationfloatPopulation within this county
    Total structure value.
    Total agricultural value.
    National Risk Index score for this census tract.
    countyScorefloatNational Risk Index score for this county.
    stateAverageScorefloatNational Risk Index state average score.
    nationalAverageScorefloatNational Risk Index national average score.
    ratingstringNational Risk Index rating for this census tract.
    countyRatingstringNational Risk Index rating for this county.
    nationalPercentilefloatNational Risk Index national percentile.
    statePercentilefloatNational Risk Index state percentile.
    expectedAnnualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual Loss score for this census tract.
    expectedAnnualLoss.countyScorefloatExpected Annual Loss score for this county.
    expectedAnnualLoss.stateAverageScorefloatExpected Annual Loss state average score.
    expectedAnnualLoss.nationalAverageScorefloatExpected Annual Loss national average score.
    expectedAnnualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual Loss rating.
    expectedAnnualLoss.nationalPercentilefloatExpected Annual Loss national percentile.
    expectedAnnualLoss.statePercentilefloatExpected Annual Loss state percentile.
    expectedAnnualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss for this census tract.
    expectedAnnualLoss.countyTotalfloatTotal annual loss for this county.
    expectedAnnualLoss.value.buildingfloatTotal building value.
    expectedAnnualLoss.value.agriculturefloatTotal agricultural value.
    socialVulnerability.scorefloatCensus tract score value.
    socialVulnerability.countyScorefloatCounty score value.
    socialVulnerability.stateAverageScorefloatState average score value.
    socialVulnerability.nationalAverageScorefloatNational average score value.
    socialVulnerability.ratingstringRating value for this census tract.
    socialVulnerability.countyRatingstringRating value for this county.
    socialVulnerability.nationalPercentilefloatNational percentile value.
    socialVulnerability.statePercentilefloatState percentile value.
    socialVulnerability.valuefloatValue for this census tract.
    socialVulnerability.countyValuefloatValue for this county.
    communityResilience.scorefloatCensus tract score value.
    communityResilience.countyScorefloatCounty score value.
    communityResilience.stateAverageScorefloatState average score value.
    communityResilience.nationalAverageScorefloatNational average score value.
    communityResilience.ratingstringRating value for this census tract.
    communityResilience.countyRatingstringRating value for this county.
    communityResilience.nationalPercentilefloatNational percentile value.
    communityResilience.statePercentilefloatState percentile value.
    communityResilience.valuefloatValue for this census tract.
    communityResilience.countyValuefloatValue for this county.
    avalanche.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    avalanche.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    avalanche.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    avalanche.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    avalanche.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    avalanche.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    avalanche.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    avalanche.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    avalanche.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    coastalFlooding.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    coastalFlooding.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    coastalFlooding.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    coastalFlooding.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    coastalFlooding.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    coastalFlooding.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    coastalFlooding.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    coastalFlooding.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    coastalFlooding.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    coldWave.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    coldWave.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    coldWave.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    coldWave.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    coldWave.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    coldWave.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    coldWave.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    coldWave.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    coldWave.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    drought.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    drought.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    drought.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    drought.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    drought.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    drought.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    drought.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    drought.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    drought.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    earthquake.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    earthquake.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    earthquake.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    earthquake.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    earthquake.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    earthquake.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    earthquake.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    earthquake.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    earthquake.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    hail.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    hail.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    hail.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    hail.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    hail.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    hail.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    hail.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    hail.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    hail.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    heatWave.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    heatWave.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    heatWave.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    heatWave.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    heatWave.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    heatWave.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    heatWave.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    heatWave.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    heatWave.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    hurricane.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    hurricane.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    hurricane.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    hurricane.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    hurricane.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    hurricane.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    hurricane.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    hurricane.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    hurricane.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    iceStorm.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    iceStorm.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    iceStorm.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    iceStorm.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    iceStorm.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    iceStorm.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    iceStorm.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    iceStorm.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    iceStorm.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    landslide.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    landslide.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    landslide.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    landslide.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    landslide.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    landslide.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    landslide.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    landslide.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    landslide.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    lightning.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    lightning.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    lightning.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    lightning.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    lightning.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    lightning.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    lightning.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    lightning.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    lightning.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    riverineFlooding.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    riverineFlooding.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    riverineFlooding.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    riverineFlooding.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    riverineFlooding.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    riverineFlooding.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    riverineFlooding.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    riverineFlooding.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    riverineFlooding.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    strongWind.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    strongWind.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    strongWind.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    strongWind.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    strongWind.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    strongWind.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    strongWind.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    strongWind.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    strongWind.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    tornado.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    tornado.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    tornado.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    tornado.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    tornado.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    tornado.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    tornado.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    tornado.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    tornado.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    tsunami.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    tsunami.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    tsunami.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    tsunami.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    tsunami.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    tsunami.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    tsunami.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    tsunami.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    tsunami.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    volcanicActivity.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    volcanicActivity.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    volcanicActivity.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    volcanicActivity.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    volcanicActivity.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    volcanicActivity.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    volcanicActivity.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    volcanicActivity.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    volcanicActivity.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    wildfire.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    wildfire.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    wildfire.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    wildfire.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    wildfire.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    wildfire.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    wildfire.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    wildfire.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    wildfire.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.
    winterWeather.eventsfloatNumber of events.
    winterWeather.annualizedFrequencyfloatAnnualized frequency is a natural hazard incidence factor that represents the expected frequency or probability of a natural hazard occurrence per year.
    winterWeather.exposurefloatExposure is a natural hazard consequence factor that is the representative value of buildings, population, or agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard occurrence.
    winterWeather.annualLoss.totalfloatTotal annual loss.
    winterWeather.annualLoss.scorefloatExpected Annual loss score.
    winterWeather.annualLoss.ratingstringExpected Annual loss rating.
    winterWeather.annualLoss.historicLossRatioTotalRatingstringHistoric Loss Ratio is a natural hazard consequence factor that represents the estimated percentage of the exposed building value, population, or agriculture value expected to be lost due to a natural hazard occurrence.
    winterWeather.hazardTypeRiskIndex.scorefloatHazard type risk index score.
    winterWeather.hazardTypeRiskIndex.ratingstringAnnual loss rating.

    See: OAS 3.1 Specification

    HTTP Error Codes

    HTTP Response status codes along with a brief summary of their commonly accepted usage. These status codes are returned by LightBox APIs for each request:
    The request succeeded.
    The object was created successfully
    202Accepted, no content
    204Successful, no content
    The server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no additional content to send in the response payload body. Typically returned on a DELETE
    One or more of the request parameters were invalid.
    The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response. Note: This could also be due to your trial key has expired.
    The server cannot find the requested resource. This can also mean that the endpoint is valid but the resource itself does not exist.
    Too many requests were made in a short period of time, or you have exceeded your request-lot pool.
    The server has encountered an error it does not know how to handle.
    503Service Unavailable.

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