Delivery notification FAQ
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    Delivery notification FAQ

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    Article summary

    Q: How am I notified when my data is ready to be downloaded?

    A: You will be notified via email with download instructions.

    Q: How many emails can I have the notifications sent to?

    A: We can support as many emails as you provide.

    Best Practice: 
    It is good for your team to setup a specific email address that gets forwarded to people on your team. This makes the management of who gets notified completely in your control.  

    Q: Does LightBox have other notification procedures other then email?

    A: At this time we only support email notification. We are looking into other potential notification avenues such as webhooks for future consideration.

    Q: What are some ways I can automate the download process?

    A: We have had customers write scripts on their end that either checks for new data in the sftp or checks for emails with specific subject/sender.

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