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Core Package
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SmartFabricTM Core is a referential address fabric inclusive of parcel boundaries and centroids, building footprints, address points with sub-addresses and land use.
Important Notice!
SmartFabric Core is a legacy product that is no longer available as an offering.
SmartFabric Core provides insights into into:
Property Boundary and Property centroid
Complete Address universe including situs and secondary addresses
Current owner name and owner address
Land Use
Owner Information
Building Footprints
SmartFabric Core Data Package made up of 4 layers and 6 relationship tables:
This polygon layer contains the parcel information, including the boundary, aggregate acreage, associated assessment count and primary Building_LID.
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This point layer is made up of the assessment attribution, including situs address, land use, owner information etc. The point geometry is made up of the parcel centroid when the assessment is related to a parcel polygon.
Pro Tip
There are many ways to model the data once in your system. If your ultimate goal is to have this data within a mapping system, you might want to have the assessment data reside on the parcel polygons. To achieve this you will need to use the ParcelAssessementRelation table to create a join between the two data sets.
Note: Doing this you will create a parcel stack data model.
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This point layer is made up of our entire address universe, approximately 250 million addresses, it contains both situs addresses and secondary addresses You will also find the address confidence score and the address precision code.
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This polygon layer is made up of our building footprint data set. This dataset contains the footprint outline, min/max heights, ground elevation and UBID.
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Relationship Tables
Please see SmartFabric Relationship Tables for more information.
Orphan Assessments
SmartFabric Core will contain orphan assessment records but they are not stored in an additional table, rather they are stored in the assessment table along with the matched assessment records. You can identify these records by finding records with a null Parcel_Lid
Delivery Format
The default delivery option is provided in FGDB (File Geodatabase) format, which includes 4 layers and 6 relationship tables.
FGDBs are organized by county or state; however, a national-level FGDB option is not currently available.
Optional Delivery Format 1: CSV files
CSV files are compressed into ZIP archives and are available by county or state.
Optional Delivery Format 2: Parquet files
Parquet files are offered at both the national and state levels.
All spatial data is stored in WGS 1984 (EPSG: 4362).
Data Dictionary Downloads
SmartFabric Core Package Tables
Relationship Tables
See SmartFabric Relationship Tables for information regarding the relationship tables.
Parcel Table
See SmartFabric core and professional ERD
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
PARCEL_LID | String | 50 | A proprietary LightBox identifier for parcel that is unique and persistent. |
FIPS_CODE | String | 5 | Federal Information Processing Code for the State + Federal Information Processing Code for the County. The first two digits are the state FIPs code. The last three digits are the county FIPs code. |
PARCEL_APN | String | 40 | Master parcel APN. This is the master/main APN number associated with the primary parcel in a location where multiple parcels with identical geometry exist. This can occur where there are multiple taxable properties in a location (condos, timeshares, mobile home parks) |
AGGR_ACREAGE | Double | float | Sum of lot acreage owned by the same ownership entity, within a single county extent. (see AGGR_GROUP for more detail on how ownership is identified) |
AGGR_GROUP | String | 100 | ID indicating the grouping (ownership) of parcels for a single owner. Ownership identified by proprietary model that leverages both owner name and owner address. Parcels are identified within 300ft of adjacency, within a single county extent. |
AGGR_LOT_WIDTH_MEDIAN | Integer | int | Median lot width of all parcels within the aggregated owner group (AGGR_GROUP). |
AGGR_LOT_COUNT | Integer | int | Number of parcels owned by the same ownership entity, within a single county extent. (see AGGR_GROUP for more detail on how ownership is identified) |
ASSOCIATED_ASSESSMENT_COUNT | Integer | int | Number of properties associated with a parcel. |
PRIMARY_ASSESSMENT_LID | String | 50 | Primary assessment record that the parcel is associated with. |
PRIMARY_BUILDING_LID | String | 50 | Primary building that the parcel is associated with. |
GEOMETRY | Geometry | geometry | Parcel polygon geometry |
Assessment Table
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
ASSESSMENT_LID | String | 50 | A proprietary LightBox identifier for assessment record that is unique and persistent. |
FIPS_CODE | String | 5 | Federal Information Processing Code for the State + Federal Information Processing Code for the County. The first two digits are the state FIPs code. The last three digits are the county FIPs code. |
FIPS_STATE_CODE | String | 2 | Two digit Federal Information Processing (FIPs) state code. |
FIPS_MUNI_CODE | String | 3 | Three digit Federal Information Processing (FIPs) county code. |
UNIQUE_PARCEL_APN | String | 50 | Unique parcel APN derived from the parcel geometry. (note: may differ from unique apn derived from the tax assessor) |
PARCEL_APN | String | 40 | Master Parcel APN. This is the master/main APN number associated with the primary parcel in a location where multiple parcels with identical geometry exist. This can occur where there are multiple taxable properties in a location (condos, timeshares, mobile home parks) |
COUNTY | String | 50 | County Name |
TAXAPN | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assesser. Excludes APN sequence number (DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ) EX: 07-08-34.001 |
TAXAPN_UNF | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assesssor (See TAXAPN field) modified to remove special characters. (EX if TAXAPN is 07-08-34.001 TAXAPN_UNF would be 070834001) |
DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ | String | 2 | Duplicate APN Sequence Number. (NOT a Complete APN). The logic varies by County. Often utilized to discern between a building, buildings and or units on a parcel. The additional sequence numbers can distinguish between the primary or master parcel and subsquent taxable entities. (EX: 01, 02, 03 etc) |
UNIQUE_TAXAPN | String | 40 | Property APN/ID as inventoried by the tax assesser (TAXAPN) + duplicate apn sequence number (DUPE_TAXAPN_SEQ) if populated. Ex: 07-08-34.001 01 |
ALTERNATE_TAXAPN | String | 40 | Depricated or historical parcel number as inventoried by the tax assessor. |
ALTERNATE_TAXAPN_INDICATOR | String | 1 | A code indicating if the APN is a deprecated or historical parcel number as inventoried by the tax assessor. Refer to the field ALTERNATE_TAXAPN_INDICATOR_DESC for the corresponding description. |
SITE_ADDR | String | 200 | Address where the physical property is located. Comprised of all site address components excluding city, Zip code and zip + 4 code. (e.g. 125 Main St E Unit # 5) |
SITE_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 13 | Property street number returned from corrected address process. (EX "123" in "123 main street anytown CA") |
SITE_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Property street directional prefix returned from corrected address process (EX: "E" in "123 E Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | Property street name returned from corrected address process (EX:"Main" in "123 Main St Anytown CA") |
SITE_MODE | String | 5 | Property street suffix returned from corrected address process (EX: "St" in "123 Main St Ayntown CA") |
SITE_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Property street name directional suffix returned from corrected address process (EX: "W" in "123 Main St W Anytown CA") |
SITE_UNIT_PREFIX | String | 10 | Property Unit type returned from corrected address process (EX "Unit" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_UNIT_NUMBER | String | 6 | Property Unit number returned from corrected address process (EX "A" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_CITY | String | 40 | Property city name returned from corrected address process (EX "Anytown" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_STATE | String | 2 | Property state returned from corrected address process (EX "CA" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA") |
SITE_ZIP | String | 5 | Property zip code returned from corrected address process (EX "92120" in 123 main street unit A Anytown CA 92120 ") |
SITE_PLUS_4 | String | 4 | 4 digit "plus 4 code" or "add on code" where the physical property resides used by the US Postal service to identify a geographic segment within a 5 digit postal ZIP code. (e.g. 5437) |
SITE_CARRIER_CODE | String | 4 | The 1 letter designation for carrier route type plus the 3 digit carrier route code for the physical property (e.g. "R103") |
ADDR_SCORE | Integer | int | Score indicating level of completeness of address content. 1-5 with 5 as highest score |
OWNER_OCCUPIED | String | 1 | Indicates if the property is occupied by the owner (Y/N) |
OWNER_NAME | String | 166 | Owner full name provided as reported by the local taxing/assessment authority at the time of the tax roll release. Contains multiple owners if present. |
OWNER_NAME_1 | String | 166 | Current First Owner full name (first middle last) |
OWNER_1_FIRST | String | 30 | Owner 1 first name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_1_LAST | String | 30 | Owner 1 last name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_1_MID | String | 20 | Owner 1 middle name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_NAME_2 | String | 166 | Owner 2 full name (first middle last) provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNER_2_FIRST | String | 30 | Owner 2 first name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNER_2_LAST | String | 30 | Owner 2 last name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority. |
OWNER_2_MID | String | 20 | Owner 2 middle name provided by the local taxing/assessment authority |
OWNERSHIP_STATUS_CODE | String | 3 | Ownership status code for the last sale of a property. See Ownership_Status_Desc |
OWNERSHIP_STATUS_DESC | String | 50 | Description of the OWNERSHIP_STATUS_CODE field. |
COMPANY_FLAG | String | 1 | Flag indicating if property is occupied by a company |
OWNER_SRC_CODE | String | 1 | Code determining the source for the owner name 1=Parsed owner name from Deed. 2=Parsed owner name from Mortgage (SAM) 3= Owner name programatically parsed 4=Not able to parse owner name |
TIMESHARE_CODE | String | 1 | A code indicating whether or not a property is a timeshare. A value of "Y" means the property is a timeshare. |
MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 13 | Address of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "125" in 125 Main St) - |
MAIL_HOUSE_NUMBER_SUFFIX | String | 10 | The letter that comes after the address number in the case that there are not enough numbers for all the buildings on a street. Ex: the "A" in 9A Main St. |
MAIL_DIRECTION | String | 2 | Directional prefix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "N" in N 125 Main St) |
MAIL_STREET_NAME | String | 30 | This street name portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "Main" in 125 Main St) |
MAIL_MODE | String | 5 | Street Name Suffix portion of the current owner maling address. (e.g. "St" in 125 Main St) |
MAIL_QUADRANT | String | 2 | Directional suffix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g. "E" in 125 Main St E) |
MAIL_UNIT_PREFIX | String | 10 | The unit prefix portion of the current owner mailing address. (e..g. "Apt" in 125 Main St Apt A) |
MAIL_UNIT_NUMBER | String | 6 | The unit number portion of the current owner mailing address (e..g. "B" in 125 Main St Apt B) |
MAIL_CITY | String | 40 | City portion of the owner mailing address. (e.g. CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DENVER). |
MAIL_STATE | String | 2 | Two letter state code of the owner mailng address .(e.g. CA, NV WA) |
MAIL_ZIP | String | 5 | Postal Code portion of the current owner mailing address. (e.g 92675) |
MAIL_PLUS_4 | String | 4 | 4 digit "plus 4 code" or "add on code" of the current owner mailing address. Used by the US Postal service to identify a geographic segment within a 5 digit postal ZIP code. (e.g. 5437) |
MAIL_CRRT | String | 4 | The 1 letter designation for carrier route type plus the 3 digit carrier route code for the current owner mailing address (e.g. "R103") |
MAIL_CARE_OF_NAME | String | 60 | Care of Name of the current owner mailing address. |
MAIL_ADDR | String | 200 | Curent Owner Mailing Street Address. Comprised of Street name, Street Directional Prefix, Street Number, Street Suffix, Unit type and Unit number. EX: "125 Main Street S Unit 5" |
USE_CODE_MUNI | String | 10 | Local/Municipal Use Code of a property. Refer to USE_CODE_MUNI_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
USE_CODE_MUNI_DESC | String | 45 | Description of the USE_CODE_MUNI field |
USE_CODE_STD_LPS | String | 100 | Standardized Land Use Code normalized across all counties. Indicates the use of a property. |
USE_CODE_STD_DESC_LPS | String | 50 | Description of the Standardized Land Use Code. |
USE_CODE_STD_CTGR_DESC_LPS | String | 100 | Description of the Standardized Land Use Category Code. |
USE_CODE_STD_CTGR_LPS | String | 5 | Standardized land Use Category Code. |
STATE_LAND_USE_CODE | String | 10 | The land use code used by the state for land use classification. This field is only populated if this code differs from county land use code. Refer to the STATE_LAND_USE_CODE_DESC field for the corresponding description. |
STATE_LAND_USE_CODE_DESC | String | 100 | Description for STATE_LAND_USE_CODE field. |
ZONING | String | 10 | Actual City Zoning, unique to each incorporated area as reported to the County. Please note that it is not always current, nor reported. |
GEOMETRY_SOURCE | String | 24 | Indicates method use to geocode property point location |
LATITUDE | Double | float | Latitude |
LONGITUDE | Double | float | Longitude |
GEOMETRY | Geometry | geometry | Point geometry of the property location |
Address Table
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
ADDRESS_LID | String | 50 | A proprietary LightBox identifier for address that is unique and persistent. |
FIPS_CODE | String | 5 | The 5-digit FIPS code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county. |
COUNTY | String | 100 | The name of the county. |
STATE | String | 100 | The two-character abbreviation for a US state. |
CITY | String | 100 | The name of the city. |
ADDRESS | String | 100 | The house number, street prefix direction, street name, street suffix, street suffix direction all formatted as a single line. |
HOUSE_NUMBER | String | 100 | The address numbers, letters, and separators. (ex: the '123A' in '123A Main St'.) |
PREFIX_DIRECTION | String | 100 | The street prefix direction (ex: N,S,E,W) |
PREFIX_TYPE | String | 100 | The street prefix name (ex: Rue, Ave) |
STREET_NAME | String | 100 | The street name without types or directions. (ex: the 'Main' in '123 Main St') |
SUFFIX_TYPE | String | 100 | The street suffix type. (ex: Avenue, Street) |
SUFFIX_DIRECTION | String | 100 | The street suffix direction (ex: N,S,E,W) |
UNIT | String | 100 | The unit type and unit value. (ex: 'Apt A') |
ZIP | String | 10 | The zip code including the first five digits along with the zip4 extension, where available. |
COUNTRY_CODE | String | 100 | The two-character country code (US, CA). |
RESBUS_USPS | String | 100 | A USPS field classifying an address as Business, Residential, Unknown, or NULL. |
PRECISION_CODE | String | 100 | Address Location Precision: |
IS_PRIMARY_ADDRESS | Integer | int | A True/False value indicating if the address the main address used for that location. The primary address is a proprietary LightBox classifier reserved for the most important address associated with a location. Primary addresses typically do not have secondary unit information. |
PRIMARY_ADDRESS_LID | String | 50 | The address_LID for the related primary address for the location if the address is not a primary address. The primary_address_lid may be equal to the parent_address_lid if the record is a secondary address. |
PARENT_ADDRESS_LID | String | 50 | The address_LID for the related parent address when the address is a child address. Child addresses will also have a related primary_address_LID which may or may not be equal to the parent_address_LID. |
CENSUS_CODE | String | 100 | A 15-digit code that uniquely identifies a census block using the following schema: 2-digit state fips code + 3-digit county fips code + 6-digit Census tract code + 4-digit Census block code |
BUILDING_NAME_USPS | String | 200 | The name of the structure containing the address, provided by USPS. This field is sparsely populated; most values pertain to large commercial buildings. |
ADDRESS_CONFIDENCE_SCORE | Integer | int | A number ranging from 1 (low confidence) to 5 (high confidence) indicating the likelihood that an address exists and if it’s used or can be used. |
LATITUDE | Double | float | Latitude |
LONGITUDE | Double | float | Longitude |
GEOMETRY | Geometry | geometry | The spatial point location (latitude and longitude) of the address. |
Building Table
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
BUILDING_LID | String | 50 | A proprietary LightBox identifier for building that is unique and persistent. |
FIPS_CODE | String | 5 | The 5-digit FIPS code where the first two digits identify the state and the last three digits identify the county. |
COUNTY | String | 100 | The name of the county. |
AREA_SQFT | Double | float | The building footprint area in square feet |
PRIMARY_PARCEL_LID | String | 50 | The primary parcel that the building overlaps |
PRIMARY_ADDRESS_LID | String | 50 | The primary address associated with the building |
UBID | String | 50 | Legacy Building ID: based on spatial location and extents of the building polygon. Added on version 20221015. |
BF_STORIES_NUMBER | Integer | int | A modeled value that estimates the number of stories (floors) in a building by using the building’s height and property type as an input into the model |
BF_BLDG_AREA | Integer | int | A modeled value that estimates the building’s square footage found in a building using the modeled number of stories (BF_STORIES_NUMBER) and the building’s planimetric area as input into the model |
GEOMETRY | Geometry | geometry | The building polygon geometry |
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