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Batch Processor Overview
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Batch Processor
Provide a means to process a file of many address records through the LightBox goecoder at the same time. Batch processing is significantly more efficient due to the dramatic reduction in network latency caused by individual geocoding requests. Our recommendation is to use Batch Processing for workloads outside of interactive geocoding or autocomplete use cases. Multiple files can be uploaded and processed simultaneously. Each file or job can have a unique or consistent configuration of the data attributes to be retrieved. Batch processes are secured as they are only accessible to the user creating the uniquely identified job, each job has a private job identifier. Batch jobs can be started, canceled and checked for the current process status including an estimated time to complete
The process involves:
Obtaining a secure and unique upload URL and a job token to a secure cloud storage
Uploading the CSV file to a specific job token
Start the geocoding process
Use the job token to monitor the job
From the job token, retrieve a secure download link to the completed CSV file
Download the CSV file
Obtain a secure upload and download link for the csv files
A secure job token, is used to monitor the job with secure access to the job’s files
The ability to start or cancel a job
Supports very large files > 5GB
Flexible field output
API Health check endpoint
Job processing status with estimated time to complete