Situs vs. Secondary Addresses
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    Situs vs. Secondary Addresses

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    Article summary

    A common question that comes up is, "What is the difference between situs and secondary addresses?". 

    • Situs address is the address that is assigned by the tax assessor on the tax record. 
    • Secondary addresses are other addresses at that location. 

    Many times the situs address is the only address on the property, for example that of a single family residence. However, there are many times when that is not the case. Duplexes, Triplexes, apartments, condos, and commercial properties often have many addresses.

    Example Situs address
    24352 Ne Cherry Wood Lane, Lake Forest CA 96583
    • A commercial strip mall with this address registered at the tax assessor as the address for taxation.
    Example of a Secondary Address
    24352 Unit C, Ne Cherry Wood Lane, Lake Forest CA 96583
    • One of 10 units within the commercial strip mall. This address is not registered at the tax assessor but exists on this property,

    LightBox works on collecting all addresses regardless of situs or secondary, to complete our address universe. 

    Assessment Layer vs Address Layer 
    • The assessment layer will contain an address but only the situs address, not the secondary addresses. 
    • The address layer will contain both the situs address and the secondary address. 
    Pro Tip
    If you are working with the assessment layer and you are looking to see what other addresses are associated with this assessment you can create a relationship between the assessment layer and address layer using the crosswalk table AddressAssessmentRelation on Assessment_LID.

    If there is an address from the address table, it can be queried using the the crosswalk table AddressAssessmentRelation on Address_LID to get to the Assessment record related to that address.

    Working with the APIs is slightly different but there are endpoints to support the above workflow to return addresses related to the assessment or assessment related to an address.

    More Information

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