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Styling Search Results
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Use the Edit Style option to enhance the display of your search results from your results list with a few quick steps. A common use of this feature is to visually differentiate each search you run. For example, you might assign the color red to display sales comparables on one map and the color green to display your prospecting list on another map of the same area of interest.
Editing Style
1. After opening a list, choose the Options icon located at the top right corner of the list (see documentation on Saving & Opening Results Lists if needed)
2. Select Edit Style in the menu. The Style Editor opens.
3. Options will be present for choosing Fill Color, Opacity, Line Color, Width, etc. which will depend on whether a point, polygon or line is being styled
Style Editor Options: Points/Polygons/Lines
Styling Options for Polygon Search Results
There are four options to modify the visual map display of your search results:
- Fill color: Select a fill color for the numbered search results on the map (ex: coloring parcels).
- Opacity: Select the opacity of the fill color. The range of opacity is 0% (no fill color visible) to 100% (solid fill color). If you want to see fill color in the numbered polygons on the map, the best practice is to set the opacity to at least 30%
- Line Color: Select the color of the lines that outline each polygon.
- Line Width: Select the width of the lines that outline each polygon.
Styling Options for Point Search Results
There are four options to modify the visual map display of your points:
- Image: Select an image for the numbered search results on the map. The menu provides various images like shapes, landmarks, symbols
- Color: Select a color for the images on the map.
- Opacity: Select the opacity of the image color. The default opacity is 100% (solid color). If you set the opacity to 0% the color becomes invisible. The range of opacity is 0% (no color visible) to 100% (solid color).
- Size: Select the size of the images on the map. The size range is 0% (smallest) to 100% (largest).
Styling Options for Linear Shape Search Results
There are two options to modify the visual map display of lines:
- Line Color: Select a line color for the numbered search results on the map, which identify linear shapes such as pipelines and roads. The default line color is bright green.
- Line Width: Select a line width.
Edit Label Style on Results List
If you would like to change the size or color of the result list numbers/labels, choose the Edit Label Style option. Read more below.
1. With your list open, select the Options icon at the top right corner of the Results list.
2. Select Edit Label Style in the menu and the Style Editor opens
3. There are three options to modify the visual map display of your search results
- Fill color: Select the inner fill color for the number labels.
- Line Color: Select the outline color for the number labels.
- Size: Select the size of the number labels.
Editing the Results List Heatmap Style
If you generated your heatmap from the results list, follow these steps to edit the style of your heatmap to change the appearance of it.
1. Select the Results List Options icon and choose the Edit Heatmap Style option. The style editor window will open.
2. With the style editor window open, you have the option to edit the Intensity, Opacity, and Size.
- Intensity: Changes the weight of each point.
- Opacity: Selects the translucence of the layer.
- Size: Affects the size of the heatmap around each feature on the map.
3. When you're done editing the style. Close the window, and the style will save for you automatically.